FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Family removed from BA flight because the kids wouldn't wear seatbelts
Old Apr 21, 2017, 5:11 am
Join Date: Sep 2015
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Originally Posted by yannerd
Has anyone else heard of passengers not wanting to wear seatbelts before and using a doctors note to justify it?
This is definitely a first for me. That said, I fully understand that a PIC will not want a passenger on board who refuses to wear a seat belt, particularly if they are children.

Originally Posted by missdimeaner
IMO a doctors note to not wear a seatbelt is a virtual unfit to fly letter.
Personally I agree with you. That said, you can still drive a car or be a passenger in one with such a notice and you can't be fined (as it is an exemption in some countries similar to cops/taxi drivers not having to wear seat belts).

Originally Posted by LondonElite
What kind of an idiot doctor would provide such a stupid note? I'd also like to meet mom of the year.
There are actually cases in which a doctor can and will write these kinds of notes. I don't know about the specific requirements to be exempt from wearing a seat belt, but I believe that people having gone through surgery and can't put any pressure on their chest are exempted from having to wear a seat belt in a car. The pretensioner could activate when you brake too harshly and do quite a bit of damage to the freshly operated passenger. I would however think that those cases are very limited in the case of hip seat belts.

I definitely call BS on multiple kids of the same family having doctor notes of not being allowed seat belts. If the parent said that only for the F/A to disappear, I seriously question her parenting skills. Kids should be taught about the importance of seat belts.
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