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Old Mar 9, 2017, 8:08 pm
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 6,610
Originally Posted by randix
I wasn't goin' respond to this thread, but what the heck...

Tourism is the life blood of the city, but it's also killing the spirit. The "problem" is, when outsiders come in (that's "you"), they are coming to have a good time, they expect to spend money, lose money, they are responding to decades of PR that have been internalized as part of the taken for granted reality as to what Vegas is, and of course pushed and promoted by Vegas.

Basically, "you" don't care if you are overcharged, "you" don't care if you charged a ridiculous resort fee (not sure I've ever seen a legit one), "you" don't care if you are charged to park in a parking structure at your hotel, "you" just don't care. "You" come to have a good time or someone is paying on your behalf. And of course, the City of Las Vegas and all of its businesses are thrilled to embrace your don't care attitude... which is why "you" will also be paying through an additional hotel assessment if that infamous football stadium for what's their name is ever built.

So with the improvement in the economy, Vegas has gone out of its way to embrace it... this weekend I'm thrilled to let you know that according to Orbitz, you can get a room at the Motel 6 for $148, plus tax...

Somewhere in the city there still is a Costco where you can get a hotdog for $1.50 plus a drink. Unfortunately, that's no longer possible at the Orleans as a few weeks ago.

The Vegas experience is being destroyed because "you" guys don't care, and "we" luv that you don't. Perhap's it's always been that, but it's reached gigantic proportions. Build bigger, more fancy, charge more, the human touch is hard to find, even those who offer personal services (I've heard) have to re-evaluate how to offer their, uh, goods...

The FTC doesn't seem to care, advertise those great prices, and then later disclose, if at all, the resort fee. A great source of entertainment is to go over to any large casino at check out time, and sit down and watch folks check out...I owe what? But I didn't use the phone, read the newspaper, why do I have to pay $40/day more for my stay????????

But no one cares. Cause "you" come to play or attend "business" and don't care, and Vegas luvs you for it.

This town is one big PR, and folks keep falling for it...

Now that's funny, I go to Vegas 3 -4 times per year as part of a bunch of us sports gamblers. We go at various times to optimize the odds and one of us is in Vegas Every month year round. I made about $30K on sports ( 90% futures) betting last year, my cut of the team pie.

Prior to the sports betting apps we went to a dozen or so casinos shopping odds. WG,MGM, WH mobile apps have made things much easier.

My rooms are always comped @ WG as are my food and drink, shows and of course flights via CC churning.

My response was directed at people who think $30 a day in Vegas is going to make or break them. I drop $100 plus a day tipping the writers and bartenders/waitresses, more when I cash winners.

Even though we don't play much @ Mlife ( sports bets don't count @mlife so it's all my wifes gambling ) I just took a peak, this weekend would cost me $88 plus tax ( Saturday is $88) and resort fees for 2 nights ( Sunday Comp) @ Mandalay Bay with $150 food comp and $100 free play so I would be up $$. If I went Sunday and Monday it would be $68.03 ( resort fee and tax ) total as both nights would be comped and I would still get the gaming and food comps of $250.

It's also the start of March Madness which is peak season in Vegas and NFL win totals should be released soon which will bring more business.

I'm sorry but I have much better things to do than sit at a hotel checkout to see if people complain about charges which they know of before they check in as it's clearly stated on the itinerary even for comped rooms.

Maybe you shouldn't have replied because you picked the wrong person to call "YOU" over and over.

Last edited by flyer4512; Mar 9, 2017 at 9:03 pm
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