FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Citi AA Plat/Gold/Bus cards. August 2016: 1 personal & 1 business bonus/24 months.
Old Feb 1, 2017, 7:18 pm
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 333
Originally Posted by sdsearch
No, 62 does not work reliably. We made it 65 after separate reports of one failure at 62 days and another failure at 63 days.

Please try to understand: Citi is sloppy (and inconsistent) with their counting of days. Sometimes they err the "bad" way, sometimes they don't err., and maybe even sometimes they err the "good" way (58 or 59 instead of 60).

If you want to risk being denied and then having to wait even longer, you can try to apply a few days earlier. But if you want the best chance of being approved, pretend that 65 is the "law", and ignore random datapoints that someone or other got approved with a smaller gap between applications. We know that people have gotten approved at 62 days, but we also know that people have gotten denied at 62 days.

And, btw, we don't know why Citi's timing is so sloppy, so we don't know if it's dependent on anything. I would certainly not assume that if you got approved at 62 days so far, that that guarantees that you'll always get approved at 62 days. They may not have been sloppy (or have been sloppy in the "good" direction) the times you applied at 62 days, but may be sloppy in the "bad" direction the next you try it.
I have never really understood your contentious tone in posts. I have always followed 8/65 and even corrected the OP that 8/65 was not Citi policy but rather FT user-determined best practice. And , it is nice to know that 62 worked for the OP. So please don't quote me in your little lectures as if I need to be made to "try to understand".
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