FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Qantas UK fire hiv+ Flight Attendant
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Old Jan 25, 2017, 9:12 pm
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 5
The flight attendant in question suffered a particularly virulent seroconversion illness, causing ulcers in the esophagus. After 24 hours of being severely ill in Dubai, the flight attendant made his own way across Dubai to hospital where he was admitted with high fever and dehydration, he was given iv fluids and meds for the fever and discharged after 6 hours with gaviscon. He then spent a further 3 days back at the hotel, unable to eat or drink before realising his life was in danger so again took himself across town to the hospital, upon which he was immediately admitted as a medical emergency with high fever, severe dehydration which by this point had caused numerous complications to his internal organs. He was indeed discharged a walking skeleton after 6 days in hospital, as the alternative was to remain there and be forcibly removed to a UAE government detention centre. At no point during these 10 days in Dubai did the flight attendant see any member of Qantas staff or their representatives. The one upside to these events was that after his return to the UK, he was placed onto hiv anti retroviral medication within 2 months of his initial infection.
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