FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Sharp practice on Late Return Fee
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Old Dec 20, 2016, 7:04 am
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Originally Posted by Fitch
So here's a great example of sharp practice at Avis UK.

Avis UK (like most companies) charge by the 24-hour period.

So a 3-day rental starting at 7pm on Friday is quoted exactly the same price whether you choose a return time on the Monday of mid-day or 7pm.

Simple, right ? You drop the car off whenever you like on Monday as long as it's within the 3-day period...

Ah hah, not so fast ! If you book via the Avis website, the return time defaults to 12:00 (mid-day). Then when you roll up at 6:59pm on the Monday evening (like I did yesterday) you're suddenly slapped with a £12 Late Return Fee even though you returned the vehicle within the time you paid for ????

Guess what happens if you book to return at 7pm but actually drop off at lunchtime ? Yep, you guessed it: absolutely nothing !

Customer Services refuse to refund it, claiming that because the vehicle came back later that than the booked return time, the fee is due.

Sharp practice is I think quite a polite way of describling this charge
which is why I always have booked full 24 hour periods regardless of when I intend to return. This has helped secure weekend rates as well, even when returned earlier and they try to charge a higher price since there is no Friday / Saturday whatever day stay.
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