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Old Nov 30, 2016, 2:18 am
Join Date: Jul 2001
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Originally Posted by 747FC
You will strike out with these three assertions: Mistreated, Too Harsh, For the Baby.

Fact is, you failed to declare. Any mistreatment came afterward. "For the Baby" did not preclude your declaration.

Perhaps had you said "Gee we were so tired, we made an innocent mistake," it could have worked. Saying that you purposely lied because it was for the baby makes you a DYKWIA case and unlikely to have any consideration. Sorry.
Fact is that he didn't fail to declare.

Fact is that the wife failed to declare due to her mistaken assumption about there no longer being an apple in the carry-on belongings.

Fact is that this failure to declare an apple does not seem to be an example of having purposely lied, and yet she lost GE membership.

Fact is that losing GE membership due to innocent mistakes is a possibility. A declaration mistake being innocent isn't a guarantee of ability to retain/acquire/reinstate GE status when the same mistake made less innocently is also grounds for GE revocation/denial.

Traveling alone with a young baby without any help on the plane and making unintentional mistakes because of the complications involved in baby transport is an extenuating circumstance. It has nothing to do with being a DYKWIA. Absent callous disregard for the logistics of even using a bathroom in-flight to defecate and clean-up while having no help to hold the lap child baby, it's a fact that traveling alone with a young lap-child baby without any assistance on the plane compromises the ability to function the way an adult can function when by themselves with regard to exhaustively searching one'a own various belongings on a plane for say contraband. Nothing DYKWIA about what sunspotzsz mentioned.
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