FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - 2011 - 2021: How likely are waitlisted awards to clear?
Old Sep 9, 2016, 10:16 am
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 973
Originally Posted by FSUnole03
So I was waitlisted for tonight's SQ25 JFK-SIN. I waitlisted this last Saturday, and as of almost 2-hours before departure there are 5 open suites still according to ExpertFlyer and I never cleared.

I completely understand not opening last minute award inventory. But why keep a waitlist open if they're not going to clear from it? The waitlist was still open as of 12pm ET this afternoon!
You're saying they allowed waitlisting as late as almost two hours prior to the flight? This is possible. Waitlists will generally have a limit. If that limit isn't met, they may leave it open, thus allowing people to waitlist. Note that this is not scientific. You do not know that they didn't clear waitlists for that flight. You only know that they didn't clear yours. There may well have been passengers above you in the queue who cleared. That said, maybe none cleared. That's the nature of the beast. No one knows the logic behind it and frankly it could be argued that there isn't any. Which is fine - it's the airline's choice. You couldn't have picked a better example than SQ25. They will happily let that go out empty rather than release space to non-PPS waitlisted passengers.

Lastly, be aware that with SQ there is next to no correlation between available inventory and the likelihood of your waitlist clearing.
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