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Old Aug 8, 2016, 8:39 pm
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Grantham, NH
Posts: 530
So, that's the summary of my trip to the Faroes.

Overall, I was really pleased with my trip. It was basically what I was expecting, a variation on the same Nordic themes of Iceland, with quite a few unique cultural and natural twists.

The scenery and the birds were even more amazing in person than I was expecting from descriptions and pictures. And I'm still baffled a bit why so many people were skeptical of this trip, and why so view people go.

With that in mind, there are a few things still that I didn't get to check out on this trip:

1. Four of the inhabited islands I just didn't get to, since they required more time and ferry tickets. Sušuroy and Sandoy look particularly nice.

2. Similarly, I never made it to Gįsadalur, which only became accessible by car in 2004, and it's still customary to park outside of town and walk in. It looks like a really neat little village with some great hikes (and a stunning waterfall toppling into the Atlantic)

3. I'd really like to try Cape Enniburg next time.

4. And Gjogv has several really neat looking hikes.

5. While it's fraught with schedule peril, a helicopter trip to Mykines looks like pure scenic awesomeness.

Things I'd do a bit differently:

1. Aside from maybe the first night, the Airbnb was much, much more pleasant than the hostel. I'd try to do this transition a bit sooner.

2. Book earlier. Lodging is tight on the island, book as soon as you can!

3. Pack more picnic lunches. We got tripped up a few times by limited food options. If I go back... I'll just embrace it and pack some picnic lunches up front.

4. Allow some more time for weather and lighting variations. Pretty much every hike we did had some *incredible* scenery, and spending a little more time waiting for better lighting or weather wouldn't be a bad idea.

Things I'd probably skip next time:

1. The Vestmanna cliffs were indeed awesome, but I don't think I'd need to do that trip again.

2. I'll be honest, after a while many of the villages get to the point where you are "Hey, another cute little village with a church and turf roofs!". Quite a few of these little villages were worth seeing once, but not a repeat visit.

And my one major piece of advice:

1. Schedule, schedule, schedule. Despite some of my photos, the Faroes are actually one of the rainiest places you can go (most locales there have 300+ days of rain), and, quite frankly, I had better weather than one should expect. If you go, make sure you go in June or July to make the best of the weather. Be a little careful of the festival calendar as well, since there are a few events like the Klaksvik Music Festival that can overwhelm the existing lodging infrastructure.

Overall, it was another great destination. Friendly. Scenic. Basically zero crime. Interesting but still good food. And a rich, unique culture.

Any questions?

Last edited by kaszeta; Aug 9, 2016 at 5:48 am
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