FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - The FRA F/HON First Class Terminal FCT FAQ
Old Jul 30, 2016, 5:24 pm
San Gottardo
Join Date: Apr 2005
Programs: Eurostar Carte Blanche, SBB-CFF-FFS GA-AG, SNCF Grand Voyageur LeClub
Posts: 7,861
Originally Posted by SFO777
Huh? My head is spinning. You hate the FCT and then you love the FCT. So which one is it?
Apologies if I haven't been clear. Let me make another attemp to express the distinction.

  • For an airport lounge and a way to pass through an airport, as an alternative to using overcrowded terminals it is absolutely top notch and I appreciate being able to use it.
  • Compared to the FCLs in A and B and compared to other ways I could spend my time I fail to see what is so special about the FCT that it merits a longer walk or spending more time at the airport.

I also add that this is my personal preference and not a value judgement on those that think otherwise.

Originally Posted by SFO777
Sure, most of us get better food and nice interior design at home, but you are transiting an airport and making a connection, for eff-sake. Except for the amazing Air France CDG experience where you are coddled during a connection and you get Alain Ducasse meals in the FCL, the FCT experience about as good as it gets in Europe.
I never said it was not good (quite the opposite - see also above). I just said that I failed to see what is so special about it to systematically dismiss the FCLs in A and B, to possibly walk longer just to be in the FCT instead of the FCLs, or what would warrant why I should possibly abandon another activity I could spend my time on just to maximise my time in the FCT (see also above, my second point). Not sure what it was in my post that made you go off in the direction that you went. But again, apologies if I have expressed myself in an ambiguous way.

Originally Posted by IAN-UK
I think you are being disingenuous. For many, first-class travel is a rare treat, an occasional highlight in a year of humdrum travel. Others might only experience uber-premium travel as a component of a special trip: an anniversary or honeymoon.

Under those circumstances it's hardly surprising that passengers are determined to savour the trappings that go with the first-class experience. And the FCL's uniqueness puts it firmly at the top of the those trappings.

It seems just a tad graceless for one over-familiar with luxury travel to deprecate the aspirations and enthusiasms of less fortunate travellers.
That is a very fair comment. However, as I said,
  1. these are personal preferences, and obviously they are influenced by having been fortunate enough to have been through the FCT and FCLs many times, so I am fully aware that others who go there for the first time and for whom the trip is an event and "an experience" feel more elevated about it. I accept that and don't judge that. But I hope that I have the freedom to feel differently.
  2. my statement that I fail to see what is so extraordinary about it beyond being the most pleasant way to pass through an airport related to more than just the element of wanting to spend more time there. I also reacted to the systematic dismissal of the FCLs, which to me sounded as if the FCT was so far superior. For me it is not that far superior, the FCLs also are great, and for me they are absolutely good enough to not justify a sometimes longer walk to the FCT (depending on from where to where I need to go in FRA)

Originally Posted by UA1K_no_more
Judging by the listed programs and his other posts, I get the impression that the poster is based in France. You wouldn't expect such a poster to give a German airline too much credit, would you?
Oh my, do we need to descend to levels of airline xenophobia or national clichés? My post didn't say anything about the lounge being good or bad, so there is no question about giving credit to anyone. Second, your impression is wrong - I don't blame you for not knowing, but when one doesn't know it's somewhat courageous to go to the national fingerpointing territory.

Originally Posted by Big_Foot

He would do everything to avoid extra security, but wouldn't walk 5 minutes
to have the most "human" security available... Some deep logic involved here.
The logic obviously goes beyond that one aspect. But my question on the forum related to how certain transfer scenarios were handled from FCL A and FCL B, which is where I put the question marks. And I did get some very helpful hints.

Apologies if I didn't post my entire "algorithm", which involves -amongst others - things like where I spend least time in security or can even avoid it (ceteris paribus, no security is better than FCT, FCT is better than in-terminal security), how much walking is involved (ceteris paribus, for connections between Z/A and Z/A I see no point going to the FCT when the FCL is so close. But I would go to the FCT for instance when transferring from C to A), how long lines are at immigration, as well as other points. Again, I had a question about functioning of the FCLs in A and B, not about the entire logic.


Thank you again for all the information regarding the various walk/limo scenarios for FCL A and FCL B. Very much appreciated.

Last edited by San Gottardo; Jul 30, 2016 at 5:34 pm
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