FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - 2016 brand refresh: new logo and livery
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Old Jan 25, 2016, 6:52 am
Join Date: May 2006
Location: STL
Programs: UA Platinum, AA Platinum Pro, Marriott Platinum
Posts: 1,437
Perhaps I'm stuck in a 1993 timewarp but am I the only one that prefers the original jagged script wordmark? To me it seemed timelessly classic. I see it and instantly think of what Alaska (the state) and the Pacific Northwest represent...vast tundra of natural beauty, unexpolored frontiers, and the pacific ocean. I see the first revision of the wordmark, the alleged teaser and it's like a smoothed down, trying to please everyone/homely, Sarah Palin conservative, only our name says Alaska. But that's just me.
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