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Old Oct 3, 2015, 6:03 pm
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: KUL/TPA/OTP
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Posts: 3,138
Bumping this thread as I have a similar question.

I am being offered an opportunity with my current employer in KL, and hoping for a bit of information.

A few facts:
- Married
- No Children
- Time in KL likely to be one year, two max
- No guarantee of a way "home" (will have to apply within the firm)
- Basic moving assistance, not a full expat package
- My wife is likely to stay in the US for at least the first 3 months until I get a full lay of the land
- Depending upon how things go, she may not come at all (yes, our relationship will be fine, we initially did the long distance thing between US and Romania)
- Job as offered is VP level, same as I am now, but will likely negotiate one level up
- We live a pretty good life in Tampa
- The offer is for the job to pay in KL RM, will try to negotiate USD
- The company approached me for the opportunity as they need someone there with my skill set, which they have not been able to obtain successfully from the local market
- I'd rather not purchase a vehicle while there
- I do have some USD denominated debt I'll need to service
- In order to continue moving up the ladder at my firm, global mobility is key

Now for the questions,
- My wife currently holds an MBA / Masters in Accounting, with about three years of experience. Would it be difficult for her to find work in KL?
- What am I looking at for a two bedroom apartment in central KL (I'd like to live close to the office)
- Do I even want to live in central KL? Any issues there?
- Using glassdoor as a reference, I see VP level jobs in KL range greatly in terms of annual compensation, 160,000 RM to 300,000 RM per year (base). Is this range sufficient to maintain a great lifestyle (travel to the US one per quarter, nice accommodations, travel within SE Asia, savings, etc.). What should be the minimum I entertain?

Thanks in advance!
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