FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - New to Manufactured Spending? Start Here (2015)
Old Aug 31, 2015, 8:57 am
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 9
Originally Posted by Mamibear
No, nothing has changed as of this afternoon when I loaded Serve and BB cards at Kate using debit VGCs. I follow the don't ask, don't tell principle. Even when I load at the registers or MC, I just tell them I'd like to load my card just waving it to cashier and I do my own thing on my terminal. If cashier looks confused and looks like he/she doesn't know how to load, say PRESS 70, action code and follow the prompts; say this in the friendliest way you can muster since some people take offense when others tell them how to do their job. Don't forget to thank them after successful load.

For details, I suggest you read the wiki on Serve, BB and other related threads for all the work-around strategies discussed thoroughly. Then practice with small amounts initially until you feel you have a grip of the whole procedure. Again, don't ask cashiers if you can load with a gift card (REFRAIN from calling them giftcards, refer to them ALWAYS as DEBIT cards which they really are. Swipe the cards confidently on your end following strategies in all those thread I mentioned. In no time, you'll be a pro
Looks like my Serve card falls under this problem.

It wouldn't work at all as described. Not even at the check-outs. When I applied last month there wasn't option for Green (not that I saw on website).
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