FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - [PREM FARE GONE] UA: NCL-EWR 600 DKK (mistaken fare) DOT ruled; see wiki for link
Old Feb 11, 2015, 2:11 pm
Join Date: Apr 2009
Programs: DL Diamond, HH Diamond, MR Plat.
Posts: 29
who told you "you entered a wrong credit card address on purpose", could somebody just do not pay attention to the country?

Originally Posted by augias84
no, I meant that entering a wrong billing address on purpose for the sake of getting a mistake fare would give UA grounds to cancel your FF account. I didn't say "Gulag", and I hope nobody gets into any legal trouble with this.

"Cheapo ticket", that's putting it lightly - buying a $10,000 ticket for $50 by using a sneaky trick to trick the website... if they dragged you to court, how would you explain it? That you read about this trick to get the UA website to display the wrong price, and then you entered a wrong credit card address on purpose, pretending to be in another country? Think about how that sounds to somebody who is not a Flyertalk regular!
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