FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) [2014-2016]
Old Nov 4, 2014, 3:24 pm
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 1,762
Originally Posted by zyxlsy
I did make a purchase at David Jones (wonder what the owner of the department store felt when Pirates of the Caribbean was premiered), and didn't see DCC. I believe duty free could be different.

To me, US is the most tipped country, and it's maybe the only place that you can put a tip on CC after the authorization. Like UK, France, Australia, you need to tell them before hands how much you tip them so they run the card by that new amount.
Well not quite true. I know of one London restaurant chain, there have to be more, where while you can argue the actual authorization does not take place till after the tip is entered, they hand you the terminal either after swiping the card (US mag strip) or inserting the emv card and then tell you to follow the instructions on the screen which starts by asking you whether you wish to enter a tip and guides you through the process which at the end asks for a pin if card is c&p and then tells you to return the terminal to the waiter/waitress who presses a button to authorize and complete the transaction. If a signature is required, it prints a signature slip for you to sign. It ends the thing by printing a receipt for you.
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