FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - which address for Canada Customs form and date left Canada
Old Oct 6, 2014, 10:17 pm
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 84
which address for Canada Customs form and date left Canada

As a Canadian, when I go back to Canada to live permanently, and not just visit, do I write the address in the other country that I had been living at, or the new address in Canada that I will be living at? If it's the latter, what if I don't know the address exactly? Like what if I'm going to be staying with a friend first or at a hotel before getting my own permanent address?

Also, my Canadian son was born outside Canada and has never 'lived' in Canada - he has only visited Canada with me. Should I leave the 'date left Canada' blank and answer the CBSA officer's questions if he/she asks me about it, or write in the particulars of his situation beforehand?
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