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Thread: Not Again...
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Old Oct 31, 2013, 6:14 am
Moderator, Trip Reports
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Denver, CO
Programs: UA GS-2MM, Marriott Ambassador
Posts: 3,719
Ok, now it has gone from bad to worse.

So I take my US Air boarding confirmation and hoof it over to the US Air terminal. Check through security yet again. Man am I getting tired of getting undressed for so little reward. But then again, I've been married for 15 years so I should expect nothing more.

Grab a coffee and then write the post above.

Head to the gate at boarding time and notice that the US Air flight is now delayed. The silly woman at UA had given me an already anorexic connection time of 39 minutes in Philly.

I didnt even bother to check.

So when I look at the boarding gate for the Philly flight it tells me it has been re-timed to 8am. Which is 30 mins later than the original.

Which means my onward flight to SJU has just vaporized before my squinty little eyes.

I ask the US Air man what are my options. Which is my first mistake.

I've just learnt that Bostonians dont give a rats toss what you ask them the morning after they just won a baseball game. 6-1 I think it was.

(Read the next part with your best Bostonian accent...) I'm not convinced you enter this world talking like that. It really is a weird accent. And people think I talk funny...

So the conversation goes like this....

"Hi there, let me tell you about my morning" says me
Grunt. Then burp. Then beer fumes come roaring across the counter
"Listen, I was on a UA flight to Houston and then onwards to Puerto something or other"
"The Carribean I think"
"I see" with just a slight hint of disdain
"Now the silly woman at UA put my on your tin pot airline and I am supposed to fly to Philadelphia and then on to San Juan but now your flight is late so I am worried I will miss that connection too..." I explain
"You will" says the man bluntly
"I will"
"Is there something you can do?"
"Excuse me"
"You're hosed" says the large man
"Did you watch the game last night, what a great result" says the man triumphantly
"Yes, I did but can we talk about my problems for a sec..."
"Why not?"
"Because that connection time is skinnier than a supermodel whose eaten alfalfa sprouts for a week"
"I know that" thinking that I was impressed that a man his size even knew what an alfalfa sprout was.

"Why did you let the UA woman put you on it?"
"When was the last time you argued with a United woman?"
"Fair point"
"Can you help me?"
"I see"
"What will happen if I no show for this flight?"
"It will automatically cancel"

So this is what I decided to do.

Heading back to UA to do battle with them now. I might even have a little cry...

Last edited by eightblack; Oct 31, 2013 at 6:25 am
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