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Old Oct 10, 2013, 8:12 pm
Join Date: May 2006
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Originally Posted by AATrout
I like the combo of the Metro and Sky Train (separately) better than the Metro in the center of the Air Boss. That's because I can use the backpack straps on the ST and if the Metro gets heavy, just swap from one hand to the other. I travel a little heavier than some 1- baggers so keeping them apart works a bit better for me most of the time.
Yeah, I also go a bit heavier than most 1 baggers - in fact, I never 1 bag.

Originally Posted by EGtex
I wasn't clear in my original question. I am asking how cumbersome it is to carry two shoulder-carry bags at the same time, i.e. one on each shoulder.
Its not cumbersome.

Originally Posted by GadgetFreak
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I like Red Oxx stuff a lot. But one exception is the claw strap. I prefer the Tom Bihn ultimate strap by a vast margin. It isn't even a contest in my opinion. Some threads on it here in the forum. It makes a huge difference especially with heavier loads.
For the specific issue of heavy loads, I agree. The Claw is better for balance and lack of slippage. That's why I have the Claw on my Air Boss and the Absolute on my CPA
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