FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Electronics off when the door is closed, but FA uses e-reader
Old Jan 24, 2013, 5:02 pm
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: FL 290 through FL390
Posts: 1,687
Originally Posted by Andy Big Bear
Well, remember pilots are authorized to use iPads now. Consider that there's a little bit of entitlement creep that the captain himself may propogate.
How do you conclude that the fact that pilots on UA aircraft are authorized to use iPads that have been approved by the FAA for use during all phases of would flight constitute "entitlement creep"?

I have one of those FAA-approved iPads, though I don't use it for any flying related stuff, but as far as I know, we're not allowed to use them anywhere other than in the cockpit, but I don't feel entitled by having it for cockpit use.

I travel a fair amount as a passenger on UA and other airlines, and the only entitlement I see then is pretty much everyone ignoring the safety videos and flight attendants in regards to electronic devices. The vast majority of people either leave their devices on, or put them in airplane mode rather than turn them off. I'm not an avionics expert nor an electronic devices expert so as long as the FAA says they should not be on unless authorized, I turn mine off.

I have only witnessed one case where an electronic device interfered with the nav system on an airplane I was flying, but it got my attention. As long as it's a possibility, I just comply. I know that flight attendants and other crew members are often in non-compliance as well, so I'm not singling passengers out here.

As LarryJ said in this thread, I think that certain devices will be approved as time goes on, though.

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