FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Looking For Guidance - Summer Alaskan Cruise
Old Dec 13, 2012, 1:30 pm
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 8
It all depends on what your kids enjoy, what you consider to be 'fine' dinning, your standard of accommodation etc. You get what you pay for. Personally, I'd be looking at Celebrity Solstice departing from Seattle. Beautiful ship, great dinning options, staterooms etc.

Regarding "looking for a good deal..."
The cruise supplier sets the price, not travel agents. If you have teenage boys, you'll most likely recall the days of reading ads in USA Today promising 50% off airline prices. The airline industry quickly figured agents were able to work for nothing and stopped paying commission. Guess what some of those agents do now? You got it, selling cruises. 'Hey... book with me and I'll give you a great price.' If cruise suppliers were giving special pricing, what would companies like Carlson, Mertz AAA, Amex etc. have to say? If you're looking to spend $5,000, a travel agency will make in the neighborhood of $480 (cruise lines don't pay commission on port service fees and tax.) This is assuming the agency owner is booking you. Bottom line, any agency offering you "a special deal or better price" is simply a prostitute.

Bottom line, check the cruise companies public web site. In the above case If you're looking for advice, consult a professional Travel Agent. On a $5,000 investment, get the advise of an expert.

Hope it helps,
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