FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Discussion: 10 Suite Night Awards (SNAs) for Plats with 50 nights in calendar year
Old Aug 22, 2012, 1:07 pm
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 154
Originally Posted by broadwayboy
Good for you, but this is sad. Clearly the system is not working and I can't believe the manager had to do it as a 'good-will-gesture' for something that Platinum members with 50 nights are entitled for. I hope my experience won't have to be as annoying.
Originally Posted by ma91pmh
Where is the "good-will" in screwing the customer until the last minute and then providing what they should have done in the first place?

This "benefit" like most things with SPG is half-baked and unreliable. They really should look at Hyatt for a role-model in how to implement things properly, usefully and consistently.

I agree, for a benefit that is supposed to be especially for SPG's most loyal customers it seems to be more trouble that it is worth.
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