FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Gate Pass for United Club Access (Discontinued)
Old Jul 7, 2012, 6:27 pm
Join Date: May 2003
Location: At This Point, Only G*d Knows!
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Originally Posted by love_to_travel
They let me have a gate pass! After some very mild resistance, I presented the picture at the top of this thread, and they printed me one without further comment. Woohoo. Thanks again OP!! Now to find out why they let their liquor license expire
I tried and was ultimately denied at JFK due to a Mgr saying that since BA owned the terminal their rules superseded UA's policy and there was nothing he could do.

It went down something like this, the front line agent refused to even check GG Checkpoint and went to the back to speak with the Mgr. She came back and said that the Mgr said no and that was final, I asked her to check GG Checkpoint and she said she would get her Mgr instead as she did not want to take responsiblity.

I waited for the Mgr while the agent "played" with the computer infront of her, the Mgr first said that if I wanted I could only access clubs outside of security like LGA, but I said please check GG Checkpoint Line 53 and he said he would later in the day. He got a radio call and while behind the counter the front-line agent who was playing with the computer pointed to the Mgr and he started to read something on the screen ( I realized it was GG Checkpoint) and after reading it a few times, he goes into the back and I wait some more.

Finally he re-emerges and says that while he now believes me, JFK is a special case and that since BA owns the terminal he has to follow their rules and they do not have an exception for UC members.

I am really not sure, but ultimately I was denied and I simply purchased a full fare ticket and went through, refunding it on the other side.

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