FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - (Gone) RGN - SFO in F $450 one way AI; other N. America cities included
Old May 18, 2012, 12:18 am
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 22
Originally Posted by bangkokiscool
GOOD! I hope this happens. Here's why:

1) This trip isn't an MR for me, it's the end of a two week business trip that starts next week.

2) Based on a very credible report that Vayama doesn't know what they're doing, I called the airline to ask if the reservation is ticketed. It's a standard query, and one that the check-in agent is going to do anyway.

3) If someone wants to question the fare, now is the time to do it, not while I'm standing in Yangon at the check in counter after having spent hundreds of dollars in positioning in Asia and the U.S.

4) If TG wants to cancel their coupon, fine, I'd rather they do it now.

5) There are credible reports upthread from a TA in direct contact with KE that all these tickets have notations and remarks about the error fare, and I'm sure all handling airlines can see it. Calling an airline to ask if a reservation is ticketed hardly seems to be the pin that pulls a grenade that you make it out to be.

FT TOS forbid me from responding to an insult with another insult. And yes, just because it's in a foreign language doesn't make it less of an insult. Certainly reminds me of Spiro Agnew's phrasing that involves three N's.
Very credible, genuine and 'From the Heart' response.

From an age mid 60's new member here who has been flying with most of the world's airlines for around 45 years, as an executive and for pleasure, the flavor of discussion from so-called experts on how to hang onto (or how to spoil) a questionable deal is sickening.

Then we have the other flavor in the cookie jar; Those who are dismayed that 'deals' such as this are spoiled because ordinary and 'not-in-the-know' persons get to find out about same.

Shame on you!

Yes, I know I didn't need to, but have read every post and am amazed at where human relations can lead in some cases. I know there are another few Australians in here, I hope you are as disgusted as I am.
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