FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Marriage proposal in the French countryside (Burgundy/Loire Valley)
Old Jan 31, 2011, 5:29 pm
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 10
Marriage proposal in the French countryside (Burgundy/Loire Valley)

My girlfriend and I are going to Paris for a week in February, and we're planning to do a short get-away in.Burgundy or the Loire Valley.for a couple days.. I'm planning to propose during this part of the trip so I'm looking for some help in finding the perfect place.. My girlfriend is the type that would prefer this to be a more private moment, so I'm thinking that somewhere in the country would make for a more memorable experience than doing it in Paris..

My ideal would be to stay at a nice chateau or inn with beautiful grounds where we could take a walk (understanding it will be winter!) and then have a long.celebratory dinner afterward.. I'm looking for a place to stay that would be special, so I'm willing to spend a bit as long as it's not extremely expensive (no more than 300 EUR/night).. We'll have a car so we can go somewhere off the beaten path but I don't want to go too far from Paris.
We're both into good food and wine, so I was thinking that Burgundy may be a great choice.. I have also been to the Loire Valley and thought that staying somewhere there may be memorable, as we would both love to tour some of the chateaus there.. Does anyone have any recommendations for places to stay or perfect proposal ideas?. Many thanks in advance.
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