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Old Aug 13, 2009, 10:44 am
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 698
About Tokyo, unimpressive, and the comparison undeserving its implicit smug self-congratulation for cleverness.

The danger posed by being slipped a mickey in a B-girl bar in one specified neighborhood of Tokyo is extremely easy for any traveler to avoid.

The danger posed by thugs ripping your bag from your body as you are standing in a museum ticket line, taking a picture of a famous landmark, walking to a tapas bar, coming away from an ATM in a tourist office, trying to hail a taxi in front of your hotel, standing listening to a street busker, buying something at a street stand or storefront, or doing almost anything most travelers commonly do (which does not typically include hanging out in sleazy dives) is hard for any traveler to avoid in places where such crimes are common.
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