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Old May 27, 2009, 2:18 pm
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: San Francisco
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Posts: 268
Smile World is not that dangerous


Here is my favorite advice from this FABULOUS list:

* Always look like you know where you are going. There is an erect body stance, head poised without confusion, and movements that look like they know where they are going that send a message: I know what I am doing here. Leave me alone. It's deep acting, and you'll also feel more confident --
especially if you are going outdoors at night in an area you know nothing

My suggestions:
Travel confident, be smart, don't go to dangerous places, stay away from places where there is likely to be crime, do some research and don't be on the London underground trains after the pubs are closed-- only stay in a hotel that will offer safety.
Yes, there are robbers out there and muggers (I hear) and bad people.
In all my years of travel I have only ever once felt in danger--and that was in ROME, walking down stairs to the train station around 11am.
Two gypsy girls and a woman suddenly moved toward me with the clear intention of stealing my shoulder bag. There was no-one else nearby though it was a public place. I started (involuntarily) screaming very loudly and insistently and they were so shocked they ran away. I shocked myself! It was over in seconds. I suggest: if you feel yourself in danger, start screaming, yell for help, loudly and run.
Otherwise-do the 'power walk' and look intentional, powerful, fast, energetic, (never drunk or tipsy), and very 'don't touch me' or 'stay away' and you will be fine.
Note: the only time I felt in danger was in Kabul some years ago. Otherwise, the world is a friendly, great place. Don't travel scared but do 'power walk' and be smart. Happy trails!
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