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Old May 25, 2009, 11:23 am
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 19
OK, I'll try to remain civil in the face of these personal attacks that are really uncalled for. I didn't attack anyone here -- if anything, I criticized a COMPANY, National.

This post doesn't mention rentalguy at all, but since some of you have: If I'm not mistaken, rentalguy has said he works for CORPORATE. If someone who works for corporate happens to be watching these boards, and sees someone complaining about an utter lack of adequate staffing, disregard for the customer and rude treatment at one of the company's busiest locations, it seems to me that falls under the heading of CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.

Contrary to what zoidberg wants to read, this is not a repeat of my earlier post. My point is that earlier suggestions that pricing would improve "after spring break" or some other unforeseen event are not coming to pass. In fact, the situation and service are, in my experience, deteriorating FURTHER.

Where do I make these observations if not to National, and if not on boards like this? And if you work as a counter rep for National, this isn't the kind of attitude you should have:

Originally Posted by Elola
I worked as a rental agent while in college (albeit at a competitor) and I can say from experience that there is no job on Earth that lowers your faith in humanity more than having to stand behind a counter for 8+ hours a day and listen to hundreds of people give you similar sob stories ...
Your job description is to serve the customer, plain and simple, and if you can't hack it, stay out of public service. If I'm waiting for 15 minutes on a dark, empty lot for a non-existent "grab-it-and-run" rental, that IS unacceptable. And who would you have me address my complaint to -- the wall??? If you work as a counter agent, YOU REPRESENT YOUR COMPANY. I appreciate the cheery attitude reflected by Paminaz on this site, even if I don't accept her explanations for the seriously deteriorating service she has no control over. I'd certainly rather encounter her than the sassy "it's not my job" National representative I had the displeasure of dealing with at JFK.

If I keep getting this shoddy treatment from National, I'll be back to complain again. Hopefully others will, too. It's the only way I see to affect change at what WAS my favorite rental company.

Now, let me point out again: I haven't attacked anyone personally here, but responded in kind when I was attacked. If you want to defend National, have at it. But can you be civil? Sheesh, I really did call it correctly when I pointed out that any complaint here is usually met with scorn about being on a greedy high-horse. As a great National rental agent once told me, "Someone took their too many Serious Pills this morning."

Last edited by geojet01; May 25, 2009 at 11:35 am
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