FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - (Domestic) Again, Elites sit in back, non-revs up front (fact)
Old Apr 19, 2009, 7:53 am
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Originally Posted by rlbmorton
This is of course upsetting and I hope that CO does fire the GA and reprimand those who took advantage of the illegal upgrades. But I am confused as to how a GA can do this? I thought that the new system was automatic and with the transparency of the pda site this sort of thing would not happen. I thought GA did not have the control to change what shows up on the pda. I guess I am wrong about this?
This one is a little unusual -- it looks like the GA didn't clear the last of the upgrades. Of course when questioned, the GA will say it was that crazy weather day, needed to get the flight closed, sorry, or something like she did them manually, it was a hectic day. There's no way a GA is going to lose her job over this.

Typically what I've seen happen is that the GA doles out the battlefield upgrades, doesn't distribute them, and the seats either go out empty or are given away "under the table" to friends/nonrevs/etc. This way, the computer is right, if someone in Houston wants to audit them, and only if a customer complains will this ever come to the surface (and not many people check their online itin en route or after travel, so this likelihood is low).
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