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Nutritionist Ranks Airlines’ Meal Quality

Major airlines were recently ranked from best to worst on the quality of their healthy in-flight meals.

Dr. Charles Platkin, Ph.D., blogger for Diet Detective, has released his annual ranking of airlines with the best and worst healthy meals served in-flight. To get the list, he compares nutrition information and calorie counts from each airline, with a 1 to 5 star rating.

This year, as with past years, Virgin America takes the top spot, offering healthy, strong choices for meals. Second and third place are tied: JetBlue and Delta. Airlines also appear to be slightly raising calorie counts each year while limiting available selection.

“The average number of calories per food item was 360 in 2012; in 2013 it was 388; last year 397, and this year it’s 400 (399.96), a 3 calorie increase over last year. In addition, they also appear to be decreasing the number of choices they offer,” Platkin said on Diet Detective.

The entire listing for each airline on the blog includes the overall rating; whether they cooperated with providing nutrition information; overall average calories; average calories for snack boxes, meals and individual snacks; general comments about the food; “best bet” selections; and the prices for each food item on the menu.

Here’s the ranking in its entirety:

Virgin America: 4.5 stars
JetBlue: 4 stars
Delta: 4 stars
Air Canada: 3.25 stars
United Airlines: 3.25 stars
American: 2.75 stars
Alaska Air: 2.5 stars
Southwest Airlines: 1.5 stars
Allegiant Air: 1.5 stars
Spirit Airlines: 1.25 stars
Hawaiian: 1.25 stars
Frontier Air: 1 star

[Photo: Getty]

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rebech34 January 4, 2016

Very nice read! As a frequent traveler (now Domestic travel more than International) and as a health advocate, I asked my airline to point out to me where to find the food served Nutrition facts. Guess what? They don't have one (or don't want to share it with me) - lot's of nice words, appreciation of my business but Nutrition Facts - None. What are the airline hiding?!?

rampatt January 2, 2016

Anyone who travels American Airlines and is a vegetarian (not vegan), has paltry choice for meals, especially on 12-16 hour flights where you are served a few grains of rice, a couple of steamed carrots, and beans and salt and pepper packets--oh don't forget you get tasteless cookie to boot..... American does not know the difference between vegetarian and vegan nor do they know what constitutes a healthy meal, for passengers who are trapped inside their aircraft for more than half a day! Shame on you AA...catch up with the rest of the world for a change!