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New pPod Cabin Designed to Cage You in Comfort

An innovative new way of comfortably cramming passengers onboard has commercial airlines throwing money at what used to be Seattle’s shadiest vet.

Veel Solutions — formerly Veel Animal Hospice — recently caught the attention of major U.S. carriers with their unique new means of getting travelers from Point A to Point B in FAA-approved style. The design firm’s award-wining concept, known as the PassengerPod or “pPod” for short, is based on the same concept that has been used to comfortably transport beloved family pets for decades.

Veel Solutions literature highlights the enhanced privacy afforded by the pPod cabin design and cites a Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine study that concluded that enclosed spaces “engender a calming sense of security in the passenger.”

The pPod design team claims they were inspired by the traditional 3x3x3 seating configurations most airlines employ across their economy cabins. Using the same configuration, the entrepreneurs dreamed up a means of adding a brand-new dimension to tradition — stacking. The new configuration has garnered the appropriate “3x3x3x3” nickname.

Every pPod comes equipped with a top-of-the-line latched door, pre-supplied dishes of food and inverted water dispenser. Veel Solutions says that above all else, passengers will appreciate the sanitary benefits of their design. “The rugged polymer construction of the enclosure can simply be hosed down between flights, providing a spotless, clean space for the next passenger,” according to the Veel Solutions’ representative, adding that some major U.S. carriers plan on lining their pPods with complimentary copies of The National Enquirer.

The first pPods are slated for delivery later this year, and although Veel Solutions declined to specify which airline would renovate its cabins first, they hinted that the carrier rhymed with Shunited Shmairlines.

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pinniped April 1, 2015

I don't get it. There's totally room to stack 'em 4 high. Sincerely, United Airlines

usafwso April 1, 2015

I love April Fool's day but seriously putting the passenger in cages may become a reality in the future since every human who is not part of the elite is considered the "enemy of the state.

crazyMRer April 1, 2015

I am waiting for an airline to offer something a little bit like this at economy plus prices. The main reason I want business class is to sleep and sleep works so much better when flat. For those of us who are not claustrophobic a lie flat option at a fraction of business class prices would be most welcome.

carsnoceans April 1, 2015

LOL! I like it. More leg room.

milepig April 1, 2015

@GEEZERSRULE - there may be a reason they're called the pPod...