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Carnival’s New Slogan Should Be, “Is Pepsi OK?”

Pepsi v Cola Flickr, Sean Loyless

Pepsi versus Coke is the ultimate beverage rivalry, but it appears that Carnival Cruise Line is now making a change. From mid-January of 2020, the company has confirmed that it will be swapping Coke products for a range of Pepsi beverages, including Bubbly, sparkling water available in 12 flavors.

Pepsi versus Coke. It’s the ultimate beverage rivalry and as Travel Weekly reports, as of the New Year, Carnival Cruise Line is swapping Coca-Cola products for PepsiCo products across its fleet.

According to Eddie Allen, Carnival’s vice president of beverage operations, the fact that Pepsi has such a diverse range of products–including Bubly, a sparkling water beverage offered in a dozen flavors–gives an incentive for change.

Pepsi Offers Sodas…And More

Further explaining, he said, “The demand for beverage is moving beyond the normal soda, cola category. People are looking for more options–juices, teas, flavored waters, sparkling waters are all very high on what our guests are asking for.”

Allen added that, due to reasons of contract exclusivity, Carnival is not able to serve both brands’ products to passengers. However, Coke fans will still be able to bring 12 cans of the soft drink onto Carnival’s ships.

However, onboard guests will soon be able to drink an array of Pepsi beverages and Allen has also confirmed that the cruise line‘s Bottomless Bubbles non-alcoholic package will include Bubly.

Soda Sales Have Fallen Flat

Citing data from within the beverage industry, the outlet reports that while sodas have lost ground to energy drinks over the last ten years, consumer interest in the former kinds of beverage has now stabilized.

The swap from Coke to Pepsi is something of a notable occasion for Carnival; according to information provided by spokesperson Vance Gulliksen, it would appear that Coke products have always been the norm on the cruise line’s ships.

While Carnival has swapped to its competitor, citing a figure obtained from Beverage Digest, Coca-Cola still has the lion’s share of the soft drink market in American, taking approximately 17.8%  of U.S. soda by volume.

Carnival’s change from Coke to Pepsi will officially occur in mid-January of 2020.

[Image: Sean Loyless/Flickr]

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Moyerclan December 9, 2019

Agree with dddc... rum and pepsi?? ewwwww. Then again, Carnival is like the Walmart of cruises, so perhaps the bulk of their passengers won't care? duh. I may drink one soda every 3 months, but I still wouldn't want it to be pepsi.

alexmyboy December 2, 2019

sugary drinks are bad for you people.

dddc November 30, 2019

Pepsi isn't as good a mixer with spirits. The super syrupy sugar taste of Pepsi just overpowers any alcohol. Good if you're an 18 year old trying out booze for the first time, but if you're looking to enjoy the taste of your spirit while making it last longer, then Coke works best. But agree, these exclusivity contracts must end. And if you ask for Coke and they give you another cola like pepsi, then expect me to ask for my money back.

bigbuy November 30, 2019

This is all about money. Pepsi gave a bigger kickback. End of story. I sold both product lines for 32 years. This is what they do.

dliesse November 27, 2019

Vastly prefer Pepsi myself (especially when we're talking Diet), but these "exclusive" contacts have got to go. They are never in the best interest of the ultimate customer, the passenger (or restaurant patron, or...).