Dialing sequence changes for Mexican cellular telephones

For those who need to make calls to or from Mexican based cellular telephones, there are some changes that went into effect on Saturday 4-Nov-2006 having to do with the dialing sequence. This is in addition to the recent changes increasing the phone rates by making the originator of a call to a Mexican cellular telephone liable for all charges.

The following information was sent to me by my sister-in-law in Mexico City.

Telfonos de Mxico record hoy que el prximo sbado 4 de noviembre entra en vigor "El quellama paga nacional e Internacional" con la marcacin 045. Esta es una nueva forma de marcacin y cobro para llamadas desde un telfono fijo a telfonos celulares de larga distancia. Con esta modalidad al marcar 045 el telfono que realice lallamada absorber el cargo directamente.

Para realizar estas llamadas se deber sustituir, el prefijo 01 por 045, (esto no sustituyela marcacin con 044)

LargaDistancia Nacional de un telfono fijo a un telfono celular de la Ciudad de Mxico. 01+10 dgitos

Ejemplo Marcacin actual:01 + 55 + 1234 5678

Ejemplo Nueva Marcacin:045 + 55 + 1234 5678

LargaDistancia Nacional de un telfono fijo a un telfono celular de la Ciudad de Monterrey

01+10 dgitos

Ejemplo Marcacin actual:01 + 81 + 1234 5678

Ejemplo Nueva marcacin:045 + 81 + 1234 5678

Los telfonos celulares de Mxico tambin podrn recibir sin cargo alguno llamadas desde el extranjero, para lo que la persona que marque del extranjero a un telfono celular decualquier parte de nuestro pas solamente deber agregar el nmero 1 despusdel cdigo de pas Mxico, que es 52, de la siguiente manera:

De Estados Unidos y Canad a un celular de Mxico

Ejemplo Marcacin actual: 011 + 52 + 55 + 12345678

Ejemplo Nueva marcacin:011 + 52 + 1 + 55 + 1234 5678

Del resto del mundo a un celular de Mxico

Cdigo de acceso de larga distanciainternacional + 52 + 55 + 1234 5678

Cdigo de acceso de larga distancia internacional + 52 + 1 + 55 + 1234 5678

Si necesitas mayor informacin puedes llamar al 01 800 123 2000
(My translation)
Telfonos de Mxico today reminded (everyone) that next Saturday November 4th "The Whoever Makes The Call Pays National and International (Plan)" with the 045 dialing code goes into effect. This is a new form of long distance dialing and calling charges from fixed phones to cellular telephones. With this method of dialing 045 the telephone that makes the call will directly absorb (all) charges.

To make these calls you must substitute the prefix 01 for the prefix 045, (this does not replace dialing with 044).

Domestic Long Distance from a fixed phone to a cellular phone in Mexico City. 01+10 digits.

Example of current dialing: 01 + 55 + 1234 5678

Example of new dialing: 045 + 55 + 1234 5678

Domestic Long Distance from a fixed phone to a cellular phone in the city of Monterrey. 01+10 digits.

Example of current dialing: 01 + 81 + 1234 5678

Example of new dialing: 045 + 81 + 1234 5678

Mexican cellular telephones can also receive international calls without charge; the person dialing from outside the country to a cellular phone anywhere in our country only has to add the number 1 after the country code for Mexico, which is 52, in the following manner:

From the United States and Canada to a cell phone in Mexico City:

Example of current dialing: 011 + 52 + 55 + 1234 5678

Example of new dialing: 011 + 52 + 1 + 55 + 1234 5678

From the rest of the world to a cell phone in Mexico City:

(Old way) International Long Distance Access Code + 52 + 55 + 1234 5678
(New Way) International Long Distance Access Code + 52 + 1 + 55 + 1234 5678

If you need more information you may call 01 800 123 2000 (in Mexico).