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Passenger Assaults Pilot After Flight

United can relax – now it’s American Airlines’ turn to be at the center of a controversy.

On Wednesday, April 12, a passenger getting off an American Airlines flight at Kansas City International Airport followed a pilot – also a passenger on the flight – into the unsecured area of the airport and tried to get in a physical fight with him. The entire confrontation was caught on a security camera.

Passenger Edward Foster followed the unnamed pilot off the plane, angry that as a passenger, the pilot was allegedly “taking up to much room on the aircraft and being disrespectful,” Foster said in an incident report obtained by ABC News. Foster then followed the pilot into the unsecured area of the airport, attempting to take a photo of the pilot’s badge.

The pilot tried to block his badge and knocked Foster’s cellphone out of his hands – that’s when things got physical. Foster then grabbed the pilot’s shoulders and pushed him, and when the pilot tried to leave the airport to meet his wife outside, Foster followed him, trying to get a photo of the license plate on the car. Airport police intervened at that point.

Foster is now facing a fine or six months in jail, after being charged with “intentionally inflicting injury.” The pilot ended up with cuts on both his legs (he tripped over his luggage when Foster grabbed him) and bruises on his forearms. He was able to walk away from the incident safely.

[Photo: Shutterstock]

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patch8 April 26, 2017

This passenger should be banned for life with regard for airline travel...no exceptions...