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“Naughty Pilot” Invites Porn Star Into Cockpit, Lets Her Push Random Buttons (VIDEO)

A Kuwait Airlines pilot is in hot water after video surfaced of him with porn star Chloe Mafia in the cockpit of a flight from London to New York. The pilot, who has yet to be identified, allegedly invited Mafia, 24, and her friend into the cockpit shortly after takeoff.

Mafia — real name Chloe Khan — filmed and shared the video of her onboard experience. In the video, the pilot introduced himself as a “the naughty pilot” before claiming that he’d smoked in the cockpit for years and slept with half of the female crew members he worked with.

The two women can be seen pressing random buttons on the aircraft’s control panel while the pilot smokes a cigarette. According to reports, there were upwards of 300 other passengers aboard the transatlantic flight.

“He was showing us what each of the buttons did and said we could sit on his knee and wear his pilot’s cap and fly the plane,” Mafia told the Daily Star, adding that she was “stunned” by the pilot’s behavior.

Kuwait Airlines declined to comment on the incident, which comes just a month after the termination of two of its pilots who allowed a model into the cockpit.

[Photo: Daily Star]

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