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JetBlue to Pay Employees’ College Tuition

JetBlue is now offering employees the ability to get their Associate’s and Bachelor’s degrees online at Thomas Edison State University with full tuition costs covered according to the Chronicle of Higher Education. Employees will not have to pay anything up front while pursuing their degrees at the university, although they will be required to cover their own $3,500 capstone courses. Since the program began in August of last year, 200 JetBlue employees have matriculated with JetBlue’s assistance.

To read more on this story, go to The Week.

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cbr123 April 25, 2016

@sleuth Not in the slightest. I'll pay for MY education, YOU pay for yours. THEY will pay for their's.

sleuth April 22, 2016

cbr123, angry and bitter much? Never thought I'd see someone vocally against people educating themselves.

cbr123 April 21, 2016

I'd before it if the education actually IMPROVED their performance. Why yes, I'll have some Shakespeare with my steak, or some Dicken's with my Dewars...Algebra with my al fredo ? Please. Sick of the buck always being passed.

jone0613 April 20, 2016

@cbr123 - I'm not sure if your comment was meant to be snarky or flippant but it comes off as both. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a corporation investing in their employees... especially in education. In fact, JetBlue's shareholders should be proud of owning part of a company who is committed to higher education for their staff; which will, no doubt, pay dividends in the form of lower turnover among many other things. An educated workforce is the key to prosperity.

clarkef April 20, 2016

As a JetBlue passenger, I'm good with that.