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Galaxy Note 7 ‘Warning’ Is No More

Per a recent press release from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Department of Transportation (DOT) will no longer be notifying passengers that the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 poses a safety risk to their flights.

The warning has been removed “due to the high degree of public awareness of the ban since issuance of the emergency restriction/prohibition order, as well as the extensive efforts by Samsung and U.S. wireless providers to make all Note 7 users aware the phone is recalled and banned from transport on U.S. aircraft.”

For more information on this story, visit The Verge.

[Photo: Shutterstock]

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pdsales January 11, 2017

"“due to the high degree of public awareness of the ban since issuance of the emergency restriction/prohibition order, as well as the extensive efforts by Samsung and U.S. wireless providers to make all Note 7 users aware the phone is recalled and banned from transport on U.S. aircraft.” There is also a "high degree of public awareness" on how to click the buckle of a seat belt, maybe we don't have to have that announcement either?