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Term Definition
W Booking class - use varies depending upon airline
WAITLIST A list of passengers requesting seats on full flights that might become available as a result of cancellation. Airline programs' elite-level members are often offered priority waitlisting.
Warm Nuts On many flights, First Class is served warm nuts. FTers seem to have an additional definition for this term.
Waterside AKA Waterworld (BA HQ)
Wave Mountain wave turbulence that has a seesaw motion to pax but can also be accompanied by moderate or better turbulence. Generally found downwind of mountains out to 1000 miles when strong winds aloft are present.
WBI WholeBodyImaging
WC World Club
WEI Weapons,Explosives andIncendiaries
Wet Lease A wet lease is a leasing arrangement whereby one airline (lessor) provides an aircraft, complete crew, maintenance, and insurance (ACMI) to another airline (lessee), which pays by hours operated. The lessee provides fuel and covers airport fees, and any other duties, taxes, etc. The flight uses the flight number of the lessee. A wet lease generally lasts one month to two years; anything less would be considered an ad-hoc charter. A wet lease is typically utilized during peak traffic seasons or annual heavy maintenance checks, or to initiate new routes. A wet leased aircraft may be used to fly services into countries where the lessee is banned from operating..http
WFBF Want First Buy First
WHQ World Headquarters. Used a lot on the United board.
Wi-Fi lice non-lounge users who hang out near lounges to use WiFi signals
Widget The term used for the triangular-shaped logo device that officially represents Delta Air Lines.
Wilco "Will Comply," now rarely used in radio communications (e.g., with control tower)
WK UA (K)Cancelled, for a city pair segment where the flight number changed
WL UA Waitlist
WM Wal-Mart
WN Southwest Airlines
Worldspan Electronic reservations system used by many airlines and travel agents.
WRT Internet lingo meaning "With Regards To"
WSJ Wall Street Journal, or ANY broadsheet news paper (difficult to read when your knees are up around your nose!)
WT World Traveller (Long haul economy class)
WT+ World Traveller Plus (Long haul premium economy class)
WTMD Walk-ThroughMetalDetector
WX Weather