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WalkinBackToTexas May 21, 2009 9:22 am

Originally Posted by Boggie Dog (Post 11784778)
So I have palsy. Your saying that I am subject to a fine from TSA for interfering with a TSO if I don't freeze?

Lets give it a try!

I doubt it. The more interesting question is: What happens when someone ignores the instruction and just keeps walking?

doober May 21, 2009 9:26 am

Originally Posted by LoganTSO (Post 11784657)
Except during breaches. Even if they had cleared the tunnel, they cannot leave the belt, doing so, makes that another breach.

While we can't detain or attempt to physically stop you (nothing about verbally attempting to stop you), it's not recommended, because any breach will be reported to the operations center and the airport police. And they can stop you/detain you.

And if you don't stop for them, you will most likely be arrested for failure to obey a police officer and possibly resisting arrest.

As for the drill thing? :confused: ATL isn't my airport, so I don't have anything to say.

This is about the TSA. No one has said anything about not obeying a police officer.

If the TSA is going to pull stunts like this, they need to notify the LEOs beforehand in order that someone with real authority is present at the time.

Just another way to add to the stress of the checkpoint.

LessO2 May 21, 2009 9:27 am

Originally Posted by LoganTSO (Post 11784657)
And if you don't stop for them, you will most likely be arrested for failure to obey a police officer and possibly resisting arrest.

OP says nothing about police doing that. I'm bright enough to know that if someone identifies her/himself as police and demands a I stop, I'll do it.

Again, TSA has no power to detain. If their ego gets bruised enough to report to police, I highly doubt the police would want to waste their time with me beyond a couple of questions. If the TSA wants to get into a legal pissing match about that, I'm sure I can find an attorney who would be happy to go to court over that.

TSA has "implied consent" to search, not the power to detain. Big difference there.

whirledtraveler May 21, 2009 10:17 am

I think we we should have a declare a holiday on 9/11 2011 to commemorate 10 years of shitting our pants in this country.

Trollkiller May 21, 2009 10:22 am

The inner child in me thinks the best thing to do during a game of freeze is to make a "raspberry" while it is quiet.

The grown up in me is ticked that the TSOs would cry wolf. What happens during a real emergency like the one Dean had with the tornado evacuation?

Mr. Gel-pack May 21, 2009 10:29 am

Originally Posted by Trollkiller (Post 11785182)
The inner child in me thinks the best thing to do during a game of freeze is to make a "raspberry" while it is quiet.

The grown up in me is ticked that the TSOs would cry wolf. What happens during a real emergency like the one Dean had with the tornado evacuation?

TSA's entire mission is to cry wolf. Why would you expect a TSO to act any different?

In a real emergency, TSA steps out of the way and lets LEO take over.

PTravel May 21, 2009 10:31 am

Originally Posted by LoganTSO (Post 11784657)
Except during breaches. Even if they had cleared the tunnel, they cannot leave the belt, doing so, makes that another breach.

Excuse me, but what do you think happens during breaches? TSOs become deputy sheriffs? TSOs are not law enforcement officers and have no power to arrest or detain. Any TSO that tries to physically interfere with someone has committed assault and battery.

While we can't detain or attempt to physically stop you (nothing about verbally attempting to stop you), it's not recommended, because any breach will be reported to the operations center and the airport police. And they can stop you/detain you.
I have been in airports, post security, when TSOs have started this "Freeze!" nonsense. What, exactly, do you think the charge would be if I ignored the TSO and kept walking to my gate? Once again: TSOs have no power to detain or arrest.

And if you don't stop for them, you will most likely be arrested for failure to obey a police officer and possibly resisting arrest.
In order to resist arrest, you have to be subject to arrest, which requires probable cause. Refusing to freeze when a TSO yells, "freeze," doesn't constitute probable cause. I cooperate with LEOs because they perform an important safety function. If a LEO asked me why I didn't stop when a TSO yelled, "freeze," I'd say, "Because I don't have to. Am I free to go?"

AngryMiller May 21, 2009 10:45 am

Originally Posted by PTravel (Post 11785222)
If a LEO asked me why I didn't stop when a TSO yelled, "freeze," I'd say, "Because I don't have to. Am I free to go?"

This might be the flip side to SSI secret rules/regulations. Do you have to comply with something that you have no rights to read? That would be an interesting trial to follow.

onlyairfare May 21, 2009 11:43 am

This is the first I've heard about this "Freeze!" business. Is it common? Are screeners free to shout like that whenever they feel like it? (The proverbial shouting "Fire" in a crowded theater comes to mind.) What is the point - as mentioned upthread, passengers know how to stand still, so why is a "drill" necessary? What provisions are made for palsy, for hearing impaired, for non-English speakers?

Dbltap May 21, 2009 11:54 am

"What provisions are made for palsy, for hearing impaired, for non-English speakers?"

Perhaps they would have to yell "Freeze" in a different language or have a colleague yell it for them after they signed it.

yyzvoyageur May 21, 2009 12:35 pm

I don't understand the purpose of this type of "emergency" drill. Had there been an actual emergency at the screening point, what is accomplished by having everyone in the area freeze on the spot. If there was an emergency (fire, smoke, bomb, angry guy with a gun, etc.), would it not be more prudent to evacuate the area?

FWAAA May 21, 2009 12:55 pm

No doubt this "Freeze" (it's BRAVO at LAX) nonsense came from all the retired military war heroes and washed out cops employed by the TSA.

Flaflyer May 21, 2009 12:59 pm

Originally Posted by yyzvoyageur (Post 11785955)
Had there been an actual emergency at the screening point, what is accomplished by having everyone in the area freeze on the spot. If there was an emergency (fire, smoke, bomb, angry guy with a gun, etc.), would it not be more prudent to evacuate the area?

I agree. I think a jury would understand a pax saying "When I heard the shout, from the tone of his voice I figured he might have found a b*mb. It scared me, so for my own safety, I decided to not stay in the vicinity, but immediately remove myself from the potential blast zone."

Only a TSA SSI procedure written by an idiot like The Kipster could be so stupid as to require people to stay next to a found b*mb. :td: Sigh.

Hisgirl May 21, 2009 1:38 pm


oh my GOSH these responses are hilarious!! As for foreign passengers...someone made an excellent point!

What they SHOULD have done was yelled, "FREEZE!"....then had someone with a clipboard yell, "NO SE MUEVA!", *sound of page turning* "Nicht Bewegen!" *again, the page* "Не перемещайте" and "Không được di chuyển"....and that's just a start.

No wonder someone moved.....twas probably some poor Lithuanian wondering why all the white-tennis shoe wearers suddenly froze in motion.

Wish I could remember the day when this happened. I think too much time has passed to do much about it. DANG....that raspberry suggestion was a classic! :D Wish I'd thought of it!

N965VJ May 21, 2009 2:19 pm

You know, I have some mild hearing loss, I wonder what would happen if I didn’t hear the order to freeze?

If I did hear it, my first honest reaction would be to say in a loud enough voice for everyone to hear “What, are you practicing holding up a bank?” or some similar comment to make everyone start laughing at the TSA clown.

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