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ozstamps Nov 27, 2000 4:10 pm

drtravels .. I have never boarded a plane with Duty Free booze weighing THAT little. Yes, that logic is good as long as that heavy, (and it might be quite small in volume bag), is not dumped on top of blankets, another bag etc, thus allowing it to slide off readily in a bumpy landing. On OUR heads.

Cigarmans points all generally have merit, but almost none relate to the danger and nuisance of people trying to stuff far too much into overheads. All the other factors he raises like drink carts, wine glasses, terrorists, lap babies, poor security checks etc are real issues, but NOT pertinent for this thread mostly. NONE can really be changed in real practice, and NONE of them hold up ALL OUR PLANES for 15 minutes on a fully laden 180 pax 757 while these cretins try and find overhead space for their 4 pieces of big, heavy, carry-on junk, much of which SHOULD have been checked. IMHO.

~ Glen ~

[This message has been edited by ozstamps (edited 11-27-2000).]

JS Nov 27, 2000 4:57 pm

<< 13)Shoulder belt seatbelts >>

In a crash, the plane doesn't stop suddenly (like an automobile). It's going too fast, and it usually crashes along the ground, not into a wall. Also, you have to lean over your knees to keep your head from being hit by pieces of plane during a crash landing, which the shoulder belt would prevent.

Anyway, my take on this carry-on mess is this: allow exactly one carry-on to be placed in the overhead compartment (subject to size and weight limits). If you want to carry on two items, you must put one underneath the seat in front of you (bulkheads excepted).

MileTex Nov 27, 2000 5:12 pm

Glen, shouldn't the bottles of wine & champagne given out on the flight be exempted from the carry on rules I must say the six bottles I had to carry home last weekend were heavy

cigarman Nov 27, 2000 5:47 pm

OZstamps said,"NONE of them hold up ALL OUR PLANES for 15 minutes on a fully laden 180 pax 757 while these cretins try and find overhead space for their 4 pieces of big, heavy, carry-on junk, much of which SHOULD have been checked. IMHO."

OZ, I'm more worried about getting OUT of the plane (if something goes wrong).

ozstamps Nov 27, 2000 6:22 pm

Cigarman .. on those antiquated 727s CO flies, I'd have the same concerns.

MileTex... I will not embarrass anyone here by mentioning how many bottles of schmoozed French booze you deplaned with on one International flight we took together recently.

Oh hang it, yes, I will spill the beans .... and I counted MORE than 6 if I recall. Plus a very large box of Godiva chocolates.

So only 6 - you are losing your touch!

This thread may also make you smile:

~ Glen ~

CO FF Nov 27, 2000 7:52 pm

Originally posted by ozstamps:
Cigarman .. on those antiquated 727s CO flies, I'd have the same concerns.

As I presume you know, the 727s are out of CO's fleet. CO's "old" planes are the DC-10s (being replaced in 2001-2 by 762s and 764s) and MD-80s (being replaced thru 2004 by 737NGs). Or did you mean to say "antiquated 727s UA flies"...

cigarman Nov 27, 2000 7:58 pm

UA flies more OLD run down 727's than any other domestic airline. None at CO. None even at TWA. Plus NW loses theirs in Jan.
POOR OLD UA HAS THEIR 727's until at least 2003. Guess they have to pay all those employee/owners those big bucks they extorted...
OZ, stay away from CO stats. They aren't your strength.

ozstamps Nov 27, 2000 9:07 pm

Whomever said CO flyers had no sense of humour was a terrible liar.

Oh well, I must be wrong then. The last CO timetable I have (admittedly expiring Sept 2000) has dozens of 727s buzzing right around the Continental Micronesia route services.

I'll just stick to my upstairs exit row seat 15B on a 747-400 thanks guys. CO never ever heard about that silly old plane type of course, but some other airlines did buy them. Trust me.

~ Glen ~

Law Lord Nov 27, 2000 9:13 pm

Other things being equal, the largest airline would have the most 727s (and the most of any other class of large plane).

I would adopt a flight safety rule that perhaps (dare I hope) both Ozstamps and Cigarman could agree on: no plane may be older than the oldest wine served in the front cabin.

cigarman Nov 27, 2000 10:20 pm

Goodness no!!! Co only serves wine "aged on the truck!" They couldn't fly at all!

ozstamps Nov 27, 2000 10:47 pm

They are serving WINE now??? Last time I flew CO it was some syrupy, sweet awful muck called Zinfandel, bottled (naturally) in CA, and boy you'll need to try hard to convince me that was WINE!

~ Glen ~

[This message has been edited by ozstamps (edited 11-27-2000).]

CTANK Nov 28, 2000 6:30 pm

I try my best to abide by the carry-on rules of the airlines I fly. That being said I get frustrated with some F/A's who are extremely picky. For example, one time my Father was hospitizled for immediate surgery in Beijing. I flew over immediately, SR was kind enough to give me a cheap ticket for C class. After he had recovered we flew back to the states on AF. We each were in C, and both had 2 standard Carryon bags, except he had a medium sized additional bag in which to keep the medicine that he needed to take and various other health items pertaining to his procedures. The French F/A was snippy about this, and I explained the sicuation and she huffed off to the galley. 3 Minutes later she came back to our seats(last row of C class) and placed her luggage behind our seats saying " I have extra baggage too". This inhibited our seats from reclining fully and I was quite distrot. Into the flight, my father and I cracked open some fruit that he had gotten in Bejing. After the F/As had gone into the galley, we placed the peels in her bags. Upon deplaning we thanked her for the nice flight and moved on... Not nice behavior, nor something I would do again, but it happened and why not share...

Westcoaster Nov 28, 2000 6:59 pm

Originally posted by CTANK:
I try my best to abide by the carry-on rules of the airlines I fly...
Then why didn't you just check one of your bags so your father could have 3 carry-ons? It doesn't sound like it was an emergency situation at that point (your father had recovered) so I guess my sympathies are with the FA. She may not have handled the situation especially well, but you could have avoided the problem completely by not bringing so much on board with you.

That said, I hope and pray that your father continues to do well.

goldelite Nov 28, 2000 9:37 pm

Make tougher rules. Enforce them, then planes MIGHT leave on time.

sendoisan Nov 29, 2000 6:18 pm

Just try getting on a plane flying out of HKG or SIN with any of those large US style roll ons. There is NO way there will allow it. Very tough policing, and it works well.

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