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GoodKarmaGuy Mar 27, 2006 12:57 pm

Dear Muffy, I am writing this from the pool in beautiful Palm Springs....
...and wish you were here!

Darling, the weather has been gorgeous this weekend! If I gush and have that "Valley Guuuuurl" attitude that you always kidded me about at Smith, well, you MUST know it's because I have been having cocktails (and I do mean cock-tails, dear, hint, hint) with some SoCal (that's how we say it here in the desert) hunks and honeys. I will email you pictures of olafman's muscles, missydarlin's....ummm.. "girls" (she had them out (if you know what I mean, hint, hint) in the pool our first night, dear, ... really set the bar high for the rest of the weekend... and I do mean bar, dear, hint, hint), Norma's 4 inch Saturday-Night-Heels(darling, that woman can TOTTER! :eek: ) and, well, Prince Albert in the can. Not actually a can, Muffy, but a pant and the pant that it was in was fabulous. Yummmm. Now what was I saying?

Oh, and Muff, you were absolutely right, the Friday Night Martini party was top drawer and mojitos were delish! We had huge carafes of chilled cosmos, margaritas, the mojitos, of course extra dry vodka martinis. That dreadful umguy :mad: drinks that last one, you remember, and our host the fab GoodKarmaGuy (What a hunk! ^ Woohoo! EVERYONE was hanging on his arm..... *sigh* ) had ordered those carafes of extra dry vodka martinis just for [that dreadful] umguy :mad: . And then he didn't show!!! Luckily "extra dry vodka martini" means "chilled vodka" (you'll remember that from the time we went lap-dancing with FlyBalletGUY in New York and ran out of "extra dry vodka martinis" at Therapy. Oh, and dear, I absolutely forgot that FlyBalletGuy was soo cute! Yes, yes, he claims to be a big-... girl, but hey, it WORKS for her! :D ) so nothing went to waste. And the food! And, darling, we were at that pretty, outdoor fireplace that The Villa has, with our own little area and rainbow candles that were carted back from Hungary by our host! Tons of scrumptious finger sandwiches, swedish meatballs and cheese with fruit. And the cutest little bartender that catered to my every whim. Yes, Muffy, EVERY whim. OH, before I forget (there is soooo much to tell), when you have that Naked-Pool-Boy-Do at the manse, you must, and I mean MUST get that adorable couple that helped out all weekend here. You remember, I told you them: StSebastian, the braniac and bluesincenew, the ex-airplane mechanic. Yes, doll, it IS HOT that he is/was an airboy mechanic, but don't faint.... they are the sweetest, smartest, cutest young things. I know what you are thinking! :rolleyes: Yes, cute young StSeb talks a bit, darling, blue is a bit bossy (wink, wink) but, those 4 legs! Those 2 smiles! Those 4 arms! Those Prince Alb... oh well... you know how sweet they are.... (and can you believe that StSeb thinks I TALK A LOT.... hahahaha... ) now what was I saying? Oh yes, that dreadful umguy:mad: . Well, darling, I am definitly going to his Fort Liquordale Do. But only to give him a piece! Of my mind, I mean. Who cares that he is model gorgeous... he is dread, dread, dreadful :mad: ;) . Now what was I saying?

Oh yes, Palm Springs. Well,Saturday on the Palm Springs Tram, actually. Darling, the tram station is at 2000 feet! I so did not wear my LLBean duck shoes but I managed. I asked that handsome young DEK how, just how, do you manage to get the tags off of my LL Beanwear?? He had some great tips. The first being, that if you DO wear the tag, say at the pool on Friday morning, everyone will know that you are soooo prep. Sort of like a Verasce label, if you are into that thing. So, I made do (get it dear? "do"? haha... :rolleyes: ) in my Prada flats that I managed to borrow from the most darling little guest of izzik. Her name was Mrs. MichaelAngelo, but we just called her by her stage name, Tabitha. (Darling, you can't breathe a WORD of this but I think she was an...ummm.... entertainer. First of all she was gorgeous... I was going to scratch her little, 20-something eyes out, I tell you... and she had the most perky boobs... and cute little smile. You know she must have had work done. At any rate, she knew ALL the entertainers this weekend. Hmmm... But you didn't hear it from me.) So what was I saying? Oh, the tram "team": Shirl, (who I just call Mother-Perfect... OMG, Muffy, the woman is like f****ng perfect. I hate, hate, hate her. She dresses preppy and smart. She is educated, gorgeous and funny. :mad: Ugh.); KenCT; Mother, her latest concubine, Larry-the-Cowboy; StSebastian; bluesincenew went up to the mountain on the tram. Absolutely beautiful views. Luckily we got to sit with that KenCT person. (I was heartbroken that he wasn't going to be at Sunday brunch, but did you know he was a teacher? Or an engineer or a tech person or something....anyway he was SOMETHING and promised to come over and home-school me if you know what I mean... wink, wink... I had that beautiful chiffon peignoir from Nordstrom's that that dreadful umguy :mad: sent me. I finally fell asleep draped over a lounge chair (... oh remind me to tell you about mwp2paris- absolutely the most generous, sweetest MARRIED man you could ever ask to meet ... ohhh and remind me to tell you about dfwoods- absolutely the most generous, sweetest MARRIED man that you could ever ask to meet) so... I am draped over this lounge chair in my peignoir and woke up to find the housekeeper hosing me down again! She CLAIMS that she thought I was just another naked FlyerTalker (again) from the 4am pool debauchery the night before but I gently slapped her and explained that I was clothed. Sigh. :rolleyes: So FlyBalletGuy finally made it to the top of the Tram. He has such a hard time fitting on the bottom! Speaking of knitting, darling he can! Fab, fab, fab.

I must tell you that I had a bit of trepidation (you see, dear, that how-to-use-a-dictionary class at Telluride Country Day really paid off! Big, long words!) with Saturday Night Dinner at 430pm! Well, cocktails were at 4:30. But dear, Norma and I were revolting. (Why does everyone laugh at that? :( ) Well, we were revolting but then the sake' came! What a classy surprise from peteropny and oh-so-handsome-funny-witty GoodKarmaGuy. Oh, and darling, you must know Mark, peteropny's sugardaddy? He LAUGHED. And he SMILED. And he TALKED. He is actually quite rich... errrr... I mean handsome when he smiles. I swear to God. (But dear, he is definitly a $20 dollar martini partier next year... hint, hint). So what was I saying? Oh yes, Saturday Night Dinner at Wang's. If one more person complains to dear, dear GoodKarmaGuy, I will have to slap them (Oh... remind me to tell you about Nobbi... what a funny guy with the sweetest, most tolerant partner, Bill... but remind me to tell you... oh and, no, he did not sit outside the Red Tomato like he threatend, but next year they are going to PUT HIM OUTSIDE :eek: .Outside table for each event, I believe they said. ;) ) Oh... except at the CCBC... then they put him inside, hint, hint.)

So what was I saying?

Oh, there was a friend of Tabitha's entertaining at dinner. We had all voted for izzik's friend, Danny to entertain but he demurred. Loudly. Do you remember our trip to Vegas? Well just replace your face with missydarlin's face, my face with ViajeroJoven's face, Buffy's legs in the air with kyushuman's legs in the air, the maitre'd's jaw dropping to the floor with Nicholas's jaw dropping to the floor and Biff's crystal clear blue gorgous eyes with gay's crystal clear blue gorgeous eyes and have our dinner. Oh the food was good, too. Oh and the face replacements... I almost forgot... pushed, resepctively, into crotch, ..., crotch, ..., and, oh, I forget. Oh dear, what was I saying?

Oh, no matter.... Sunday we had a fab brunch with a surprise swap gift. I am bringing you a sample. Just think little blue diamond shaped pill. The food was great and lisamcgu did her typical fab job of organizing the gift swap. (OMG, Muffy... she -lisamcgu, that is- is well... ummm... glowing. Yes, she is in "that way". Yes, she still drives 100 mph. I really thinks she has 2 speeds. 100mph and stopped. I can't wait to see a baby seat in the SLK roadster! :D ) Did I tell you that Shirl, lisamcgu and GoodKarmaGuy had a late night hen session around the chiminea? It was really a relaxing girl's night out.)

So I have to run... but let me give you a few bullet poinst for the Barracks Beer Bust and Red Tomato Dinner hosted once again by ILuvParis and jockdAAddy and I do mean DADDY if you know what I mean.
-I will let mwp2paris tell you about Norma getting lost amongst the leathermen. Poor dear. The leatherman, I mean. Long story.
-cute, cute men
-delicious lasagna
-Nobbi sits outside next year, (and darling, I mean that in the nicest possible way).
-highest class award goes, once again, to the Jeff's ;)

Gotta run, doll, love you, mean it!


BCH Mar 27, 2006 1:54 pm

aren't there pictures or illustrations to go with this? :p

missydarlin Mar 27, 2006 2:10 pm

Originally Posted by BCH
aren't there pictures or illustrations to go with this? :p

why yes, yes there are ;)

missydarlin Mar 27, 2006 2:19 pm

Things I learned at PSP Gayla III
nonrevving really really sucks

Prince Albert is still not in the can

Someone is no longer in the closet

Vodka Cran (even without ice) is far better when served jacuzzi side by a hot naked bartender.

Do not let godaddy.carl try on your bathing suit top.

Naked synchronized swimming is the new pink.

Chtiet is pronounced "shteeeet"

Chtiet does not respond well to peer pressure.

Even though you told your friend that all the men attending are gay...she will still try to stick her tongue in their mouths.

Some people will not answer their phones at 2:30am

When someone is recruited at last years event, it is apparently not in the Gay Agenda to offer someone back to the girls (sorry Larry.. Tom Cruise doesn't count)

Should there ever be an amendment to the gay agenda in the above regard, we respectfully request first dibs on olafman and dfwoods

The Jeffs (all 3 of them) are not sweet and nice at all. They are SEXY!

The Dales have some 'splainin to do when the pictures get posted

I wonder which thousand words will be painted by the picture I have of Michaelangelos back and kyushumans feet.

Joe and Peter are the coolest do hosts south of the emerald city.

Can't wait til next year!

FlyBalletGuy Mar 27, 2006 2:46 pm

Originally Posted by missydarlin
When someone is recruited at last years event, it is apparently not in the Gay Agenda to offer someone back to the girls (sorry Larry.. Tom Cruise doesn't count)

Missy, will you take Ken Mehlman?

Kevin Spacey?

Bruce Vilanch?

missydarlin Mar 27, 2006 3:30 pm

I'd consider Ty Pennington

mwp2paris Mar 27, 2006 7:10 pm

From my lovely Junior Suite at the Four Points Sheraton, Ventura Harbortown...

A few reflections and pithy comments about my past few days at the PSP-DO.

Oh dear me, but do I so regret missing the synchronized swimming session at The Villas, especially since Missy and her girls added something of their own perkiness to the grand finale. That may have been an even more moving way to end a performance than the showers of white confetti that rain down during the big finish at The Palm Springs Follies. I'm still picking those bits of white tissue out of certain areas of my body that I have no idea how they worked their way into.

If one has not attended the fabulous Palm Springs Follies, one must. I believe I hit an all time record for number of times I clapped and cried out the word fabulous in a single three-hour performance. I know a certain someone here thinks they are at the top of that list, but all those 70-year old showgirls and boys strutting their stuff...fabulous, there I've said it again.

I am thankful for comfortable chairs, cosmos, and warm heaters on the deck at The Villas. Made for a lovely nap towards the end of the martini party Friday evening. As I was a PSP-DO virgin, I was trying to pace myself and knew that I would need the occasional recharge of my batteries. I also now am in possession of the loveliest little collection of rocks from the gardens of The Villas that somehow managed with some help (and I do have names) to sprout wings and fly up into my pockets whilst I power napped. So when a certain someone later asked, "Are those rocks in your pockets or are you just happy to see me?" unfortunately little mister, this time they actually were rocks.

Prancing about the Palm Desert Saturday Street Fair took a quick toll on this tender and pale Midwestern skin. So if it seemed I was continually blushing all evening at various things happening at and around the lovely, very W-like bar at Hotel Zoso, it was the sun, really, I swear.

To a certain friend of a friend who lives in a town where they seem to enjoy counting palm trees my, oh my! I certainly needed to have my martini re-iced and re-shaken after our little conversation.

Yes, there was a bit of a concern when I entered a certain leather bar Sunday evening and searching to no avail, could not find my dear traveling partner, or +1 as she is referred to in PSP-DO lingo. I thought I had her in my sights at one point, but it turned out to be the chef manning the grill flipping and twisting the most appealing lineup of weenies and links with his tongs. His golden hued locks had thrown me off course, so then I spun on my Tevas and entered the depths and darkness of the overly crowded and overly warm bar (perhaps this explains the various stages of undress?) and as I circled, growing ever so more concerned, I learned a whole new definition of the term "manhandled." I'll need a drink and dinner with that grope, luv.

As I composed myself from that little jaunt, I was in a near panic and ready to alert the bartender to my concerns and perhaps have him summon security when I spotted my friend, who limits her vices to smoking, drinking white wine with ice, and traveling with me. She was, but of course, holding court in the smoking area, several smartly clad biker gentlemen gathered around, politely laughing at her ever so naughty stories as they readjusted all the straps and spikes they were sporting.

I love Chicago and now have two reasons to visit more often. To the J's, hugs and thanks for a great Sunday evening at the Red Tomato.

But to our loveliest pair of hosts, GoodKarmaGuy and Peteropny, many hugs and kisses. You gents certainly can throw a party and I have many memories and yes, fortunately, I do remember everything to take with me back out into the cold, lonely life of a road warrior.

I do so ever think inflatable penguins should become the mascot at any future PSP-DO.

Now off to find my +1 who said something about finding more chaps in chaps here in Ventura…Oh dear, and I have to work tomorrow.


ILuvParis Mar 27, 2006 9:22 pm

Originally Posted by mwp2paris
I love Chicago and now have two reasons to visit more often. To the J's, hugs and thanks for a great Sunday evening at the Red Tomato.

That's it? :confused: ;)

Well, as GKG knows, Sunday is usually my favorite day of the weekend. He and Peter finally get to relax a bit and we have our traditional Red Tomato finale (where I get to have my chicken parm). However, for the first time, Saturday will be the memorable evening (for a host of reasons, most of which I won't get into here), not the least of which was dfwoods' chest. Apparently, Wang's Lemon Drops and Missy are a lethal combination. :D I can't believe the number of pictures there are. We'll try to edit them down to the few that embarrass him the most! :D

dfwoods Mar 27, 2006 9:42 pm

Originally Posted by ILuvParis
That's it? :confused: ;)

Well, as GKG knows, Sunday is usually my favorite day of the weekend. He and Peter finally get to relax a bit and we have our traditional Red Tomato finale (where I get to have my chicken parm). However, for the first time, Saturday will be the memorable evening (for a host of reasons, most of which I won't get into here), not the least of which was dfwoods' chest. Apparently, Wang's Lemon Drops and Missy are a lethal combination. :D I can't believe the number of pictures there are. We'll try to edit them down to the few that embarrass him the most! :D

Such a guy!

I deny everything. All made trickery. The eyewitnesses are lying. Lemon Drops are evil. Hmmm, this doesn't seem to be making my case very well.

Thanks to all for another great event!

Wireless Mar 27, 2006 10:16 pm

These tall tails are hilarious. I'm just glad this rowdy group didn't wake me from my gentle slumber in my villa.

mwp2paris Mar 27, 2006 10:32 pm

A quick note from my +1, the divine and inspiring N...

She has asked me to send out a special thank you to the lovely gents who composed such a smart collection of airline amenity kits (we know who you are!) that she received at the Sunday Brunch gift exchange...currently, she is reclining on the sofa with her feet lovingly clad in airline socks, forcing me to make overhead PAs through my curled fist so my voice has that ever so fetching electronic buzz that overhead PA voices always seem to have.

Currently, I'm playing the role of Sven, Pursor working FC on LH, and I must hurry away, refresh her white wine with ice on the side, then make an arrival announcement stating we are on final descent into Sydney.

The fun never ends.

GoodKarmaGuy Mar 27, 2006 11:30 pm

Dear Bootsie,

Darling, you are absolutely the funniest thing! :D

Thank you so much for editing your first letter to me. Though you are the funniest thing, it is MUCH funnier now. I love all those smiley faces you added. Do you remember how you begged me, absolutely BEGGED me dear, to find a little cherub smiley face to use in stories about darling young Wireless? Well, no can do. No such smiley face exists, and darling I have searched every possible gay bar... err... gay baths.... errrr... anyway I searched everywhere for Wireless... errrr.. a smiley face. Or whatever. Or wherever. Oh look in the pool, dear. TRUST ME.

Speaking of pools and blow-up dolls, check the deep end for OutofOffice, Bootsie.

Oh and Bootsie, check the deep end for SeeYa, too. Better yet, check the bar. Better yet, check the champagne bar. No, the bloody mary bar. Better yet, check the pool bar that comes with the pool boy, the champagne and the inflatable penguins. Not the one with the lesbians, dear. The other one. And CDF's +1 is missing. Check with GoodKarmaGuy! :eek:

BTW, did you tell me that CMC FLyer was the new cute one? nroscoe? fanoftravel? It was hard to tell from your smudged p.s., darling. What WAS that smudge? Yuck. Anyway, you are such a hoot, dear, but you frighten me a bit. Yes, blondes are better at BEING tied up and yes, brunettes are better at TIE-ING one up. Why did you want to know? Oh, and the duct tape is in the mail. I have no idea, I swear, where the fluffy bunny, pink grosgrain-ribbon pillow and Wiggles set went. I swear, swear, swear.

Thanks again for the letter, Bootsie.

Write again soon. I cannot imagine being in Plam Springs without your fab crowd! Or being in Palm Springs and not seeing your fab crowd, which would be really bizzare! :rolleyes:

Love you,


mwp2paris Mar 28, 2006 12:24 am

I keep forgetting how celebrity-infested this weekend was...I held the door at Hotel Zoso for Kevin Nealen, Brooke Shields, and their friends, but was distracted by a certain fellow AA EXPer's invitation for a beverage so didn't know of my brush with famousness until I was illuminated by certain other FTers later. At the Sunday matinee of the fabulous Palm Springs Follies on Sunday, I was mere seats away from the divine and fabulous Kirk Douglas, his lovely and beautiful wife, and one of the sons and daughter-in-laws...unfortunately, Katherine Zeta Jones was not in the house. It was the other son who was present.

The stand out celebrity for the entire weekend is awarded to a certain hairy chest (I understand there are pictures) and I think we all, at least those of us who couldn't keep our hands off, know of whom we speak.



There, I've had a few cleansing breaths and have recovered as much as a married boy can from that memory.

OK...the divine N is back from smoking and now I am playing the role of Laurant, AF FC FA, and I need to hurry off and make up Madame N's fully-reclining FC sleeper seat as we wing our way from Sydney to CDG...

I do have to say that as I escorted my dear and wonderful traveling partner into Wang's Saturday night, the look and completely speakless expression on the dear and lovely GoodKarmaGuy's handsome face was...priceless. And those heels were made for tottering, and that's just what they of these days those heels are going to totter just for you!

DEK Mar 28, 2006 7:18 am

Originally Posted by GoodKarmaGuy
I asked that handsome young DEK

*blush* you are way too kind and I seem to be getting bigger and bigger!

You are now forgiven for the LL Bean tag comment. I'll start divorce proceedings tomorrow and be in Virginia by the weekend. ;)

DEK Mar 28, 2006 7:24 am

Originally Posted by dfwoods
Hmmm, this doesn't seem to be making my case very well.

You've not a snowball's chance in h...ll of making any case! :D

Bring on the pictures!

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