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KevinDTW Dec 8, 2014 5:39 pm

Originally Posted by Grouchy (Post 23964317)
That's if you are lucky and fly DL, otherwise you won't get a SP boarding card :p

Ah, you are correct of course. True KLM boarding certainly builds character and toughens you up, that's for sure!

SCEflyer Dec 8, 2014 6:39 pm

Originally Posted by MSPeconomist (Post 23961808)
I had a worse one recently some months ago at MSP, IIRC also from a G gate. FC was boarding an no one was moving, just gate lice standing there blocking access to the SkyPriority lane. I said "excuse me" FOUR times, a bit louder each time to the group of kettles immediately in from of me. Then I tried "please move." Finally I said "if you're not boarding with first class, please get out of the way for those who are in first class." They finally moved a bit, while grumbling loudly about how rude I was.

Even though you might not have used the terms, it seems like you viewed these folks as nothing more than kettles and gate lice, and that came through in the way you spoke to them, so no wonder they weren't too quick to move out of your way.

In the alternative, a spoonful of sugar can do wonders.

udontknowme Dec 8, 2014 8:34 pm

Originally Posted by SCEflyer (Post 23964579)
Even though you might not have used the terms, it seems like you viewed these folks as nothing more than kettles and gate lice, and that came through in the way you spoke to them, so no wonder they weren't too quick to move out of your way.

In the alternative, a spoonful of sugar can do wonders.

They're gate LICE, not gate ants. Sugar has no effect.

BeatCal Dec 9, 2014 5:43 am

Originally Posted by mridley2 (Post 23932345)

After snaking my way through I finally got close to the entrance to the SKY lane and a group of 4 were literally standing shoulder to shoulder intentionally blocking others from passing by. I exclaimed in a slightly elevated and commanding voice "excuse me!" As I passed through I overheard "Oh Jesus" and "what's his problem?" I didn't reply to these remarks but my thoughts were call me mridley2 and and my problem is you will not get out of the damn way so those whose zone is being called are able to board.

This was after the GA made repeated announcements about the flight being full and those pax seated in Zones 2 & 3 would have to gate check their bags since there wouldn't be enough space to fit everyone's bag. I understand passengers want to stand near the gate to improve their chances of boarding at the beginning of their zone but it is inexcusable for passengers to block the gate area entirely. Partly I blame the GA's for causing such a panic but I understand that since it does alert passengers to remove imperative items from their bags in case they are required to check. But the GA should also announce & enforce the unspoken rule of those in the gate area to clear a path so passengers can board without hassle or delay.

Were my comments selfish or DYKWIA behavior? I do not think so but it did get quite the response from the east team in their fictitious game of red rover red rover.

I think that you are one of the worst DYKWIA Perhaps all should board like SW
Maybe "these lice" had never flown before

SFBayGuy Dec 9, 2014 5:53 am

Originally Posted by BeatCal (Post 23966479)
I think that you are one of the worst DYKWIA Perhaps all should board like SW
Maybe "these lice" had never flown before

I think this comment is a little harsh, though not entirely out of line.

I am taken a bit by "I exclaimed in a slightly elevated and commanding voice". When confronted with similar situations I've generally found that a kindly "Excuse me, folks" is sufficient.

Crazyhotelguy Dec 9, 2014 7:14 am

Originally Posted by Esltroy (Post 23923348)

LOL :D. I have met that guy and many of his family members.

gooselee Dec 9, 2014 7:44 am

Originally Posted by spcran4d (Post 23966524)
I think this comment is a little harsh, though not entirely out of line.

I am taken a bit by "I exclaimed in a slightly elevated and commanding voice". When confronted with similar situations I've generally found that a kindly "Excuse me, folks" is sufficient.

Over on the gate lice thread someone suggested yelling "Hot soup comin' through!"

Haven't developed the appropriate cajones to try that one out yet.

pntherpaw86 Dec 9, 2014 7:45 am

Originally Posted by BeatCal (Post 23966479)
I think that you are one of the worst DYKWIA Perhaps all should board like SW
Maybe "these lice" had never flown before

One of the worst DYKWIA? For expecting to be able to board when your zone is called without a crowd of people blocking your way that aren't allowed to board yet?! I think not. I see nothing wrong with getting a bit of an attitude with people who repeatedly refuse to follow the rules and camp out in the boarding area before their zone is called. THEY are in the wrong, YOU are in the right if you are trying to board with your zone. No amount of kindness or politeness is going to make any difference with people who think they don't have to follow the rules. If anything, the people blocking the boarding area are the DYKWIAs, thinking they have the right to be there and clog up the works. And, if they've never flown before, don't you think they'd be listening to the announcements from the GA about keeping the boarding area clear and waiting until their zone is called? Generally if I'm in an unknown situation, I tend to hang back and listen closely to announcements (i.e. "We board by zone number, which can be found on your boarding pass" ... and a lot of GAs even walk through the whole order of pre-board, FC, Sky, etc., too).

In a somewhat related matter, I was flying out of the MSP F gates on Sunday evening, seated alongside the boarding area with my backpack beside me right next to the garbage can. I hear "excuse me" from behind me, and it is one of the flight crew asking to get through between the garbage can and my seat. So of course I move my backpack, thinking it was weird that he was squeezing through there. I look back and see the entire width of the boarding area blocked 2 or 3 people deep with no way for anyone to get through. All I could do was shake my head...

gloobnib Dec 9, 2014 8:31 am

Originally Posted by pntherpaw86 (Post 23967026)
Generally if I'm in an unknown situation, I tend to hang back and listen closely to announcements (i.e. "We board by zone number, which can be found on your boarding pass" ... and a lot of GAs even walk through the whole order of pre-board, FC, Sky, etc., too).

This is exactly the problem why people crowd the gate area. The GA starts a long convoluted speech that mentions everybody's zone at some point. The PA systems are poorly designed and cannot always be heard beyond 20-30 feet from the GA. Add in the continuous "Attention airport security alert" and "Hello I am mayor Greene" airport announcements, plus the extraordinarily loud BEEP BEEP of the electric carts. Oh and maybe 2 other gates in the area also loading pax.

Just look around during the boarding announcement for the the dozen or so pax who obviously travel rarely. Observe their asking each other "what did she say?" and "Who are they boarding now?". OF COURSE they will crowd the GA trying to figure out what they are being asked to do.

Try to have a little empathy...


NotHamSarnie Dec 9, 2014 8:43 am

Originally Posted by gloobnib (Post 23967286)
This is exactly the problem why people crowd the gate area. The GA starts a long convoluted speech that mentions everybody's zone at some point. The PA systems are poorly designed and cannot always be heard beyond 20-30 feet from the GA. Add in the continuous "Attention airport security alert" and "Hello I am mayor Greene" airport announcements, plus the extraordinarily loud BEEP BEEP of the electric carts. Oh and maybe 2 other gates in the area also loading pax.

Just look around during the boarding announcement for the the dozen or so pax who obviously travel rarely. Observe their asking each other "what did she say?" and "Who are they boarding now?". OF COURSE they will crowd the GA trying to figure out what they are being asked to do.

Try to have a little empathy...



There is really little call for getting snippy when boarding. Yes, it's annoying to have to get through the crowds, but most people don't care about our silly elite stuff, they just want to get on the plane. A cheery "Excuse me!" usually works just fine, the friendlier the better. The only exception to my placid attitude toward this is when the crowds won't yield to the pre-boarding wheelchairs or other people who are struggling.

CrazyCelt Dec 9, 2014 8:59 am

Why aren't the the DL GAs doing their job, and telling people to move away from the boarding lanes?

At Changi, there is a separate SP seating area. Admittance is monitored by an agent. Civilised. That's not likely to happen here, but at least the GAs could exercise more control/organization. Flying is grim enough for pax without having to do crowd control.

Ben and Jerry Dec 9, 2014 9:08 am

Originally Posted by CrazyCelt (Post 23967461)
Why aren't the the DL GAs doing their job, and telling people to move away from the boarding lanes?

At Changi, there is a separate SP seating area. Admittance is monitored by an agent. Civilised. That's not likely to happen here, but at least the GAs could exercise more control/organization. Flying is grim enough for pax without having to do crowd control.

I would be in favor of using lanes like United does. Or at least extend the barrier between Sky and general boarding to 3x the current length, so that it is really inconvenient for kettles to be standing on the wrong side of the barrier, thus enticing them to stand on the other side.

Ebes1099 Dec 9, 2014 9:11 am

Originally Posted by gloobnib (Post 23967286)
This is exactly the problem why people crowd the gate area. The GA starts a long convoluted speech that mentions everybody's zone at some point. The PA systems are poorly designed and cannot always be heard beyond 20-30 feet from the GA. Add in the continuous "Attention airport security alert" and "Hello I am mayor Greene" airport announcements, plus the extraordinarily loud BEEP BEEP of the electric carts. Oh and maybe 2 other gates in the area also loading pax.

Just look around during the boarding announcement for the the dozen or so pax who obviously travel rarely. Observe their asking each other "what did she say?" and "Who are they boarding now?". OF COURSE they will crowd the GA trying to figure out what they are being asked to do.

Try to have a little empathy...


+1 to this. How many times have I been waiting to board a flight and the gate next door is leaving right around the same time and boarding a couple of zones ahead so people hear their zone and think they can board, but really it's the flight next door that's boarding their zone.

greggarious Dec 9, 2014 9:35 am

Originally Posted by mridley2 (Post 23932345)
Last night at PHX on the 11:30pm PHX-JFK red eye. Due to late arriving aircraft, the GA boards F first rather than pre-board passengers. There were so many gate lice hovering around the gate area that I wasn't able to get to the sky priority lane. None of the lice were qualified for pre-board anyway so there was no reason for everyone to be standing that close to the gate blocking everyone.

After snaking my way through I finally got close to the entrance to the SKY lane and a group of 4 were literally standing shoulder to shoulder intentionally blocking others from passing by. I exclaimed in a slightly elevated and commanding voice "excuse me!" As I passed through I overheard "Oh Jesus" and "what's his problem?" I didn't reply to these remarks but my thoughts were call me mridley2 and and my problem is you will not get out of the damn way so those whose zone is being called are able to board.

This was after the GA made repeated announcements about the flight being full and those pax seated in Zones 2 & 3 would have to gate check their bags since there wouldn't be enough space to fit everyone's bag. I understand passengers want to stand near the gate to improve their chances of boarding at the beginning of their zone but it is inexcusable for passengers to block the gate area entirely. Partly I blame the GA's for causing such a panic but I understand that since it does alert passengers to remove imperative items from their bags in case they are required to check. But the GA should also announce & enforce the unspoken rule of those in the gate area to clear a path so passengers can board without hassle or delay.

Were my comments selfish or DYKWIA behavior? I do not think so but it did get quite the response from the east team in their fictitious game of red rover red rover.

I will ask once, then just walk forwards :)

beachmouse Dec 9, 2014 10:07 am

Originally Posted by CrazyCelt (Post 23967461)
Why aren't the the DL GAs doing their job, and telling people to move away from the boarding lanes?

I'm imagining we're talking one of the horribly cramped corners of MSP where there's no real space for people to move to because of the restrooms, fixed seating, snack bar, bar, etc. are all in the way. And once you get somewhere around the bar, it gets hard to hear boarding announcement for your correct boarding group.

Last time I was through there, it was all the GAs could to to get the literal squatters to go sit on another part of the floor vaguely close to their gate.

mattp1987 Dec 9, 2014 10:13 am

Originally Posted by Ebes1099 (Post 23967529)
+1 to this. How many times have I been waiting to board a flight and the gate next door is leaving right around the same time and boarding a couple of zones ahead so people hear their zone and think they can board, but really it's the flight next door that's boarding their zone.

Some GAs clearly state the destination and flight number before stating the zone. I think this should be mandatory for all gate announcements. Too often, the announcement is simply "zone 2" without mentioning the destination at all. This might be ok at an oustation with 5 flights a day but is unacceptable at any hub.

jrl767 Dec 9, 2014 10:20 am

not even at a hub ... I'm sure you have seen how DCA can get kind of chaotic with ATL/MSP/DTW/LGA all boarding within 5-10 min of each other a couple times during the day

mattp1987 Dec 9, 2014 10:44 am

Very true. I was thinking that but didn't type it. Even DAY the other day had flights to ATL, MSP, and DTW leaving at about the same time. If they just made it part of the general script this would at least help somewhat and prevent those of us trying to board with our zones from engaging in DYKWIA-esque behavior.

TrojanTraveler Dec 9, 2014 11:10 am

Originally Posted by Ebes1099 (Post 23967529)
+1 to this. How many times have I been waiting to board a flight and the gate next door is leaving right around the same time and boarding a couple of zones ahead so people hear their zone and think they can board, but really it's the flight next door that's boarding their zone.

I can understand how this can happen in older terminals, but why are the announcements this bad in ATL Concourse F, which is brand new? I was waiting for a flight to board, and the announcements for the flight (and the GA was not mentioning that flight or gate number in the announcement) at an adjacent gate were blaring right overhead.

GRALISTAIR Dec 9, 2014 11:45 am

Originally Posted by mattp1987 (Post 23968095)
Even DAY the other day had flights to ATL, MSP, and DTW leaving at about the same time.

I know -tell me about it - B12, B13 and B14 a real pain in the you know where. :(

jrl767 Dec 9, 2014 11:56 am

I haven't flown out of DAY in about 4 years, but I remember that area WAY too well from approx monthly trips for the prior 8-9 years

KevinDTW Dec 9, 2014 12:04 pm

How about the RJ corral area in JFK T2 -- that can be a terribly chaotic gate area. Several gates crammed together sharing a departure info board and flights leaving every few minutes during busy times. Overlapping announcements, etc. To be avoided at all costs if possible.

WestSideBilly Dec 9, 2014 12:10 pm

Originally Posted by gloobnib (Post 23967286)
This is exactly the problem why people crowd the gate area. The GA starts a long convoluted speech that mentions everybody's zone at some point. The PA systems are poorly designed and cannot always be heard beyond 20-30 feet from the GA. Add in the continuous "Attention airport security alert" and "Hello I am mayor Greene" airport announcements, plus the extraordinarily loud BEEP BEEP of the electric carts. Oh and maybe 2 other gates in the area also loading pax.

Just look around during the boarding announcement for the the dozen or so pax who obviously travel rarely. Observe their asking each other "what did she say?" and "Who are they boarding now?". OF COURSE they will crowd the GA trying to figure out what they are being asked to do.

Try to have a little empathy...


I used to be empathetic and assume they were novice fliers, but it's run out. Go to an Alaska gate - they have only 3/4 clearly defined groups (first, elites, general [sometimes split by rows depending on the plane]), they have TV monitors showing clearly what group is boarding, and still there's a sometimes impenetrably ring of gate lice. They're not oblivious, the majority know exactly what they're doing - they're positioning themselves to mad rush the gate when their zone is finally called.

Now, that said, the vast majority of people are receptive to a simple "excuse me"; the people with headphones blaring get a tap on the shoulder, and I weasel on through. But the people that refuse to move and are blocking access to the gate long before their zone is called are the DYKWIA - not the people who actually should be boarding and are being blocked.

WestSideBilly Dec 9, 2014 12:12 pm

Originally Posted by KevinDTW (Post 23968572)
How about the RJ corral area in JFK T2 -- that can be a terribly chaotic gate area. Several gates crammed together sharing a departure info board and flights leaving every few minutes during busy times. Overlapping announcements, etc. To be avoided at all costs if possible.

LAX T5 where gates 54-59 are all piled in... Well LAX is to be avoided at all costs if possible, in general.

Bonehead Dec 9, 2014 12:21 pm

Originally Posted by Ben and Jerry (Post 23967510)
I would be in favor of using lanes like United does....

My thought as well reading through the latest set of lice-inspired posts. UA has largely eliminated the possibility of lower-caste lice blocking the way for exalted elites like me. I really like the new lane system...perhaps DL should follow.

MSPeconomist Dec 9, 2014 12:25 pm

Originally Posted by Bonehead (Post 23968676)
My thought as well reading through the latest set of lice-inspired posts. UA has largely eliminated the possibility of lower-caste lice blocking the way for exalted elites like me. I really like the new lane system...perhaps DL should follow.

Maybe UA is trying to become like WN but I don't want DL to go down that path.

Ben and Jerry Dec 9, 2014 1:17 pm

Originally Posted by MSPeconomist (Post 23968702)
Maybe UA is trying to become like WN but I don't want DL to go down that path.

I don't like having to 'fight' for a seat on WN, and will not fly them unless I really can't prevent it.

But as far as boarding goes I prefer at least some kind of organization, not the basic clusterf***k that Delta has at just about every airport.

MSPeconomist Dec 9, 2014 1:19 pm

Originally Posted by Ben and Jerry (Post 23969018)
I don't like having to 'fight' for a seat on WN, and will not fly them unless I really can't prevent it.

But as far as boarding goes I prefer at least some kind of organization, not the basic clusterf***k that Delta has at just about every airport.

I won't fly WN. Never have.

tentseller Dec 9, 2014 2:16 pm

MSP today, Gate G20 for DL348. Sky priority boarding was announced and there were these three men with oversize roller standing and blocking the lane. I ask them "Sky Priority?" they said no. I reply "they are boarding Sky riority so can the passenger with Sky Priority get by?" they did not move so I had to force my way pass them followed by the rest of the Sky Priority group.
Later near end of boarding, two of them had a heated discussion with the GA/FA who were forcing them to check their oversize rollers.

MSPeconomist Dec 9, 2014 2:18 pm

It sounds like the GA did a good job of not allowing them to board early, before their zone was called.

pntherpaw86 Dec 9, 2014 3:06 pm

Originally Posted by MSPeconomist (Post 23969388)
It sounds like the GA did a good job of not allowing them to board early, before their zone was called.

... but not stipulating that they keep the boarding area clear for other passengers to board. I'm not sure why GAs aren't more insistent, after all, gate lice, especially ones like were described, are an impediment to the boarding process and create a greater likelihood of pushing back late as opposed to having an on-time departure.

MSPeconomist Dec 9, 2014 3:08 pm

Originally Posted by pntherpaw86 (Post 23969715)
... but not stipulating that they keep the boarding area clear for other passengers to board. I'm not sure why GAs aren't more insistent, after all, gate lice, especially ones like were described, are an impediment to the boarding process and create a greater likelihood of pushing back late as opposed to having an on-time departure.

Maybe because it would take time for the GA to stop other tasks to argue with them?

Howste Dec 9, 2014 10:14 pm

Originally Posted by udontknowme (Post 23965022)
They're gate LICE, not gate ants. Sugar has no effect.

Aren't you being nit picky? :p

sethb Dec 9, 2014 10:42 pm

I've found just saying "Coming through" works fine. It's all in the tone of voice. ("If you would prefer me to walk past you rather than through you, all you need do is step aside. It doesn't matter to me.")

Occupationalhazard Dec 10, 2014 3:12 am

Originally Posted by gooselee (Post 23967024)
Over on the gate lice thread someone suggested yelling "Hot soup comin' through!"

Haven't developed the appropriate cajones to try that one out yet.

I am so totally using this! :cool:


BeatCal Dec 10, 2014 4:48 am

Originally Posted by Bonehead (Post 23968676)
My thought as well reading through the latest set of lice-inspired posts. UA has largely eliminated the possibility of lower-caste lice blocking the way for exalted elites like me. I really like the new lane system...perhaps DL should follow.

Oh exalted ones

The very usage of "kettles" "lice" etc shows me that we must all bow to your exalted self - we are sorry, we did not know how important you were

Dick Ginkowski Dec 10, 2014 5:00 am

Flip side of the story. Some of us are "walking wounded" or "semi-disabled." We don't need a wheelchair or that type of assistance but because of illness, age or physical condition it can take longer to board and get settled in. If I am up front that's never a problem but sometimes if I am in the back on a crowded plane I will take a preboard -- after advising the GA of the situation -- and that is done largely as a favor to other pax who would be inconvenienced by my blocking the aisle in order to get baggage stowed and situated in my seat. Just because someone isn't on crutches or in a wheelchair does not mean they are not injured or could risk injury. (Yes, I have seen people milk this but the best thing to do is approach the GA in advance and politely explain.) And some people have other medical conditions which may necessitate either early boarding or certain seats, etc. Sometimes I feel bad when I decline a request to give up an aisle seat for a family, etc., but there are times when medication forces numerous restroom visits. Most people understand if you tell them the truth.

tentseller Dec 10, 2014 6:17 am

Originally Posted by CrazyCelt (Post 23967461)
Why aren't the the DL GAs doing their job, and telling people to move away from the boarding lanes?

At Changi, there is a separate SP seating area. Admittance is monitored by an agent. Civilised. That's not likely to happen here, but at least the GAs could exercise more control/organization. Flying is grim enough for pax without having to do crowd control.

I always puzzle me that the DL GA(contracted) in the asian outpost does a better job of gate control contrary to the social norm of the region.

Left SIN in Nov and they staple a red and blue half of the boarding pass Sky Priority tag to the top of the BP. That helped the GA, security and immigration staff to know who is entitled to use the lanes. The GA also turned three family with over-sized children under 2 and the wheelchair users' entourage away during early boarding.

CrazyCelt Dec 10, 2014 7:55 am

Originally Posted by tentseller (Post 23972971)
I always puzzle me that the DL GA(contracted) in the asian outpost does a better job of gate control contrary to the social norm of the region.

Left SIN in Nov and they staple a red and blue half of the boarding pass Sky Priority tag to the top of the BP. That helped the GA, security and immigration staff to know who is entitled to use the lanes. The GA also turned three family with over-sized children under 2 and the wheelchair users' entourage away during early boarding.

Boarding at Changi is very well organized. The new big blue/red Priority attachment to the Boarding pass is great, and the separate, less crowded area is appreciated. They used to have an area for families with little one, which I thought was great. But I didn't see it this time, but I was sleepy. Lol

I'm not sure all Asian airports are as well organized as SIN. Boarding at Narita is still a bit of a 'free for all.' An earlier post suggested that 'language' issues may be partly to blame, and that could be the case at NRT, though the PA system there is a lot clearer than at many airports - especially CDG!

MSPeconomist Dec 10, 2014 7:57 am

Many DL gates at NRT don't have much space. That's at least part of the problem there.

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