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Old Aug 21, 2019, 6:13 pm
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Sorry to disagree Cybor but I think Flying machines posts are just fine ....
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Old Sep 25, 2019, 12:51 pm
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Another Write up about Musu this time from iprofessional


Así es el complejo arte de vender vinos en tiempos de Mercado Libre

En un mundo cada vez más dominado por el ecommerce, dos historias de emprendedores que muestran las claves para vender vinos de manera personalizada

Por Juan Diego Wasilevsky

En momentos en que el ecommerce avanza a paso firme en el mundo, los primeros en sentir el impacto son los canales de venta tradicional.

En un mercado más maduro en términos de comercio electrónico, como Estados Unidos, esto mismo se puede palpar en el día a día. Los miles de puestos de trabajos perdidos por las cadenas de retail, el cierre masivo de shoppings y, como contrapartida, el auge de las plataformas de comercio online, que llevaron a que Jeff Bezos, CEO de Amazon, a convertirse en la persona más rica sobre la faz de la Tierra, son un reflejo de este cambio de modalidad.

Este proceso avanza a un paso un poco más lento en la Argentina, pero para los expertos en consumo, es un camino que no tiene retorno.

Para ponerlo en perspectiva, el consumo que los argentinos realizan vía Internet, a través de las plataformas más populares y de los market place que operan diferentes marcas, totalizó en 2018 una cifra en torno a los $230.000 millones.

Esto implicó una tasa de crecimiento del orden del 47% frente a los registros de 2017. Es decir, unos puntos por encima de la variación del índice inflacionario, a contramano del comercio tradicional, que no pudo sobreponerse a la crisis.

En este contexto, Diego Galeano, account manager de la consultora Baufest, plantea que la modalidad de comercio tradicional está atravesando un momento de replanteos aquí y en el mundo: "Dicha crisis está generada, en gran medida, por los avances tecnológicos, la nueva y detallada información disponible sobre los consumidores y el cambio en los hábitos que todo esto genera".

Sin embargo, para Galeano es muy prematuro especular con la posibilidad de que el mundo virtual termine por hacer colapsar al comercio físico.

Él es de los muchos expertos que plantean que, hacia adelante, la clave para las marcas estará en lograr que coexistan con eficiencia tanto los entornos virtuales como las tiendas físicas.

"La reconversión es algo necesario, pero debe ser mucho más profunda que el hecho de abrir solo un canal online. El desafío ahora es ser consciente de la experiencia que se le quiere brindar al cliente", plantea el experto de Baufest.

Y en esto, el mundo del vino tiene algunas debilidades, pero también muchas fortalezas.

En cuanto a las debilidades, la experiencia reciente en la Argentina muestra que el comercio de vinos "despersonalizado" no tiene un gran futuro por delante. De hecho, viene de tambalear un peso pesado como Winery, la mayor vinoteca del país, que enfrentó deudas y despidió personal, en un contexto en el que se mencionaron problemas financieros y fuerte caída de ventas.

A este jugador se sumó Tonel Privado. Pese a que desde la empresa aseguraron no tener problemas financieros, iProfesional informó sobre el cierre de locales y cheques rechazados.

Entonces, ¿hay lugar para que un comercio de vinos, en el sentido más tradicional de la palabra, tenga éxitos en tiempos del ecommerce y en momentos donde los grandes players parecen no resistir a la coyuntura?

La respuesta es sí. Y esta es, justamente, una de las fortalezas que tiene el vino: la posibilidad de ofrecer una experiencia con el consumidor/cliente que sea realmente profunda.

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A continuación, dos casos de éxito que muestran cómo, en momentos de cambios y de desafíos, que obligan a diferentes sectores a repensar el modelo de negocios, una vinoteca puede, no ya subsistir, sino crecer de manera sustentable.

El caso Pain et Vin

Eleonora Jezzi es una referente de la industria. Está al frente de la vinoteca Pain et Vin, que conjuga vinos de autor y de partidas limitadas, con una propuesta gastronómica apoyada íntegramente en el pan de masa madre que elaboran todos los días en su horno a leña, con el que acompañan tablas de quesos y fiambres.

La principal característica de Pain et Vin es que es una vinoteca que naturalmente se hizo fuerte entre los turistas, en parte por el boca a boca, en parte por las muy buenas reseñas que fueron recolectando en sitios como TripAdvisor.

"El 90% de los que nos visitan son de afuera, pero no tanto brasileños. Principalmente provienen de países como Estados Unidos, Australia, Noruega, Holanda, Alemania y Reino Unido. Se fue dando naturalmente", apunta Jezzi.

¿Y público argentino? "No es el principal, pero los que entran al local vienen porque buscan algo específico o se dejan asesorar", comenta la vinotequera, que se recibió como profesora de educación física y nunca había imaginado estar al frente de un comercio de este estilo.

"Empecé a estudiar sommellerie, me involucré en ferias y ahí sentí que era lo mío. Renuncié a mi trabajo y empecé en una vinoteca que tenía dos locales. La verdad es que yo no había vendido una papa en toda mi vida, pero me encantaba comunicar, creo que es mi fuerte, y eso fue llevando a que un día decida tener mi propio espacio", cuenta.

El proyecto arrancó en 2013. Jezzi recuerda que empezó con algo muy pequeño, con pocos vinos y muchos agujeros en las góndolas.

Pero, recalca, tuvo la idea muy clara desde el comienzo: nada masivo, nada que compita con el chino de la vuelta, nada que aparezca reventado en Internet.

"Desde el arranque quise tener vinos más escasos, especiales, con menor intervención, de bodegas pequeñas… eso se mantiene desde el día uno", relata como un mantra. Hoy su proyecto cuenta con alrededor de 300 etiquetas de los más diversos estilos y regiones.

Y, al hablar de las claves que la llevaron a mantenerse vigente durante seis años y ser una de las vinotecas que es referencia para los turistas que visitan Buenos Aires, Jezzi menciona, antes que nada, la palabra "respeto", tanto hacia las bodegas como hacia los clientes.

"Hay mucha preparación, hay dedicación, hacemos una curaduría de los vinos. Si bien esto es un negocio, desarrollamos una tarea más educativa. La gente ya sabe que si entra al local, va a aprender, sabe que algo nuevo le vamos a contar y que va a tener la posibilidad de probar cosas diferentes", relata.

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"Además, no hace falta estar vestido de gala para probar un vinazo", agrega.

En Pain et Vin organizan degustaciones. Y Jezzi asegura que en las catas se cuidan todos los detalles: los vinos que se eligen, la temperatura a la que se sirven y la información que brindan en función de los asistentes.

En cuanto a la competencia que puede significar el e-commerce, señala que "es un formato impersonal", que a algunos compradores les funciona pero a otros no, pero que no es competencia.

Sin embargo, considera que para que una vinoteca que da a la calle sea sustentable, hay que apelar a la creatividad y moverse mucho: "Acá no tenemos compradores argentinos que se lleven cajas. Eso no sucede. Para tener una vinoteca y mantenerla abierta tenés que aggiornarte y hacer cosas continuamente".

Cuando a Jezzi se le pregunta por una etiqueta que valga la pena destacar especialmente entre todas las que tiene, asegura que es difícil elegir una, porque todas tienen una razón para ocupar un espacio en las estanterías. Pero finalmente escoge Fénix 2008, una joya casi extinta y que elaboró una bodega que ya no está en el mercado: Ave Wines.

"Ese vino está reposando en Pain et Vin. Acá tenemos las últimas botellas que existen", asegura con orgullo.

El evangelizador del vino

Su vinoteca tiene varias particularidades: no tiene una vidriera que dé a la calle, se accede contactando previamente a su dueño y el local se llama Mr. Wines, pero casi nadie (o nadie) le dice así.

A la vinoteca se la conoce entre sus seguidores como "Lo de Musu", o "la cueva de Musu". Musu es Fernando Musumeci, alguien que si tiene un don es el de la oratoria. Cuando habla de vinos, lo hace con verdadera pasión; acá no hay posturas ni fuegos de artificio.

Seguramente por eso es que se armó una legión de seguidores que religiosamente asisten a sus degustaciones, la mayoría de ellas dadas por los propios enólogos, incluyendo nombres ultra consagrados de la industria.

El proceso que lo llevó a convertirse en vinotequero comenzó a gestarse hace muchísimos años, cuando era un aficionado muy entusiasta que empezó a juntar gente con la misma pasión. Y su facilidad para relacionarse con unos y otros lo encontró, en un momento, conociendo a muchos pequeños productores de vinos de un lado, y a muchísimos consumidores apasionados del otro.

Así es como se convirtió en un nexo entre ambos mundos. Por eso cuenta que vender vinos y armar un local fue algo que decantó con mucha naturalidad, no fue nada forzado sino que, como él mismo plantea, fue un proceso que demandó casi dos décadas.

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Y para él, la clave no es solo el vino, sino la gente que está detrás y la gente que lo va a consumir: "Siempre apunté a cosas no masivas. Lo masivo lo conseguís en las góndolas del supermercado. Yo siempre me incliné hacia esos vinos que hay que vender de forma más personal, contando de dónde vienen, quién los hizo".

La vinoteca finalmente abrió las puertas en 2014. Y no fue fácil, tal como rememora: "Al comienzo tenía un poco de temor, pero también bastante seguridad porque sabía el camino que yo quería hacer y dónde quería llegar".

Recuerda además, que su local fue "bendecido" cuando todavía lo estaba armando y recibió la visita nada menos que de Roberto de la Mota, quien se ofreció a llevar a la "cueva" sus vinos y organizar una vertical. Y ese fue el puntapié de una larga procesión que sigue hoy día y a la quea asisten semanalmente enólogos y consumidores.

En cada tramo, Musu se encarga de aclarar que no habla de clientes. Señala que cada persona que se acerca a su local es, ante todo, un consumidor que quiere aprender. Y posiblemente luego se transforme en un amigo.

"Tal vez tenga 500 Malbec, pero no le puedo recomendar cualquier Malbec a una persona. Luego de charlar y sacar una radiografía de cuál es su gusto, tengo que tratar de entenderlo y ofrecerle un vino que sea un golazo, que sienta que hizo una gran compra", plantea Musu.

En este sentido, asegura que le ayuda tener los pies sobre la tierra el hecho de haber sido, ante todo, consumidor de vinos: "Sé lo que es comprar una botella y tener expectativas antes de descorchar. Por eso siento que no le puedo fallar al que entra a mi local".

Y Musu hace de la satisfacción del cliente una forma de vida: "Cada vez pienso menos en vender vinos y más en formar nuevos consumidores. Cuando viene alguien, me fijo en su potencial y si tiene entusiasmo, le voy a dar todo para ayudarlo a crecer", se entusiasma.

Esto incluye desde hacerlo participar en catas exclusivas con enólogos, sumarse a viajes por Mendoza o Salta, asistir a las ferias que organiza o, por qué no, invitarlo un día de la semana a que vaya a probar entre amigos algunas etiquetas que abrieron para degustar.

Cuando se le pregunta por la cantidad precisa de vinos que tiene, lo piensa pero no tiene la respuesta: "No lo sé, realmente. Y creo que no me interesa saberlo. Lo correcto sería llevar el inventario, pero ¿sabés qué? Trato de no gastar energía en eso de estar controlando. Gasto energía en otras cosas".

En cuanto a la competencia que impone hoy el ecommerce, señala que no hay pelea posible cuando el trabajo se hace tan artesanalmente: "Vendemos etiquetas no masivas. El valor que uno le da cuando uno cuenta la historia que hay detrás de una botella no tiene precio. No hay plataforma que pueda reemplazar el mano a mano".

"Creo que pueden convivir ambos mundos", agrega quien tiene su propia visión sobre eso llamado "éxito": "Para mí no sería exitoso si tuviera una plataforma y vendiera cinco veces más. Lo que hago no tiene que ver con ganar plata".

En cuanto a las claves para hacer sostenible en el tiempo un comercio de este tipo, Musu tiene clara su visión: "Podés tener el negocio más lindo de todos y el más glamoroso, pero si te limitás a despachar botellas, hoy corrés el riesgo de desaparecer. No existe más el vinotequero que se queda atrás del mostrador, esperando que entre alguien a comprar".

Cuando se le pide que elija alguna etiqueta exótica, piensa bastante para luego concluir: "No podría, diría que lo raro o lo exótico en mi vinoteca termina siendo la norma".

Pero sí recomienda, a quien esté pensando en incursionar en Altamira, los vinos del proyecto Finca Beth que, a partir de un mismo viñedo, elabora dos líneas con espíritus muy diferentes, de la mano de dos enólogos con estilos muy distintos entre sí: Juan Pablo Michelini y Felipe Stahlschmidt.

"Este año recomiendo los dos Cabernet Sauvignon: 2Km y Rompecabezas. Ambos tienen su propio estilo y son imbatibles", concluye.

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Old Sep 25, 2019, 12:52 pm
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This is the complex art of selling wines in the days of Mercado Libre

This is the complex art of selling wines in the days of Mercado Libre
In a world increasingly dominated by ecommerce, two stories of entrepreneurs that show the keys to selling wines in a personalized way

By Juan Diego Wasilevsky

At a time when ecommerce is advancing steadily in the world, the first to feel the impact are the traditional sales channels.

In a more mature market in terms of electronic commerce, such as the United States, the same can be felt on a day-to-day basis. The thousands of jobs lost by retail chains, the massive closure of shopping malls and, in return, the rise of online commerce platforms, which led Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, to become the richest person on the face of the Earth, they are a reflection of this change of modality.

This process is moving at a slightly slower pace in Argentina, but for consumption experts, it is a path that has no return.

To put it in perspective, the consumption that Argentines make via the Internet, through the most popular platforms and market places that operate different brands, totaled in 2018 a figure around $ 230,000 million.

This implied a growth rate of the order of 47% compared to the 2017 records. That is, a few points above the variation in the inflationary index, contrary to the traditional trade, which could not overcome the crisis.

In this context, Diego Galeano, account manager of the consulting firm Baufest, argues that the traditional trade modality is going through a moment of rethinking here and in the world: "This crisis is generated, in large measure, by technological advances, the new and detailed information available about consumers and the change in habits that all this generates. "

However, for Galeano it is very premature to speculate with the possibility that the virtual world will end up causing physical commerce to collapse.

He is one of the many experts who state that, in the future, the key for brands will be to ensure that virtual environments and physical stores coexist efficiently.

"The conversion is something necessary, but it must be much deeper than the fact of opening only one online channel. The challenge now is to be aware of the experience that you want to provide to the client," says the Baufest expert.

And in this, the world of wine has some weaknesses, but also many strengths.

Regarding weaknesses, recent experience in Argentina shows that the "depersonalized" wine trade does not have a great future ahead. In fact, a heavyweight such as Winery, the largest wine cellar in the country, who faced debts and laid off staff, comes in a context in which financial problems and a sharp drop in sales were mentioned.

This player was joined by Private Tonel. Although from the company they said they had no financial problems, iProfesional informed about the closing of premises and rejected checks.

So, is there a place for a wine trade, in the most traditional sense of the word, to be successful in times of ecommerce and at times when the big players seem not to resist the situation?

The answer is yes. And this is precisely one of the strengths that wine has: the possibility of offering an experience with the consumer / customer that is really deep.

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Then, two success stories that show how, in times of change and challenges, that force different sectors to rethink the business model, a wine cellar can, no longer subsist, but grow in a sustainable way.

The Pain et Vin case

Eleonora Jezzi is a benchmark in the industry. He is in charge of the Pain et Vin wine cellar, which combines signature wines and limited items, with a gastronomic proposal based entirely on the bread of sourdough they make every day in their wood-fired oven, with which they accompany cheese tables and cold cuts.

The main characteristic of Pain et Vin is that it is a wine bar that naturally became strong among tourists, partly by word of mouth, partly because of the very good reviews that were collected on sites like TripAdvisor.

"90% of those who visit us are from abroad, but not so many Brazilians. They mainly come from countries such as the United States, Australia, Norway, Holland, Germany and the United Kingdom. It was naturally occurring," says Jezzi.

And Argentine public? "It is not the main one, but those who enter the premises come because they are looking for something specific or are allowed to advise," says the winemaker, who was received as a physical education teacher and had never imagined being in charge of a trade of this style.

"I started studying sommellerie, I got involved in fairs and there I felt it was my thing. I quit my job and started in a wine shop that had two stores. The truth is that I had not sold a potato in my life, but I loved it communicate, I think it's my forte, and that was leading to one day deciding to have my own space, "he says.

The project started in 2013. Jezzi remembers that it started with something very small, with few wines and many holes in the gondolas.

But, he emphasizes, he had the very clear idea from the beginning: nothing massive, nothing that competes with the Chinese of the return, nothing that appears burst on the Internet.

"From the start I wanted to have more scarce, special wines, with less intervention, from small wineries ... that remains from day one," he says as a mantra. Today his project has around 300 labels of the most diverse styles and regions.

And, when talking about the keys that led her to remain in force for six years and be one of the wine bars that is a reference for tourists visiting Buenos Aires, Jezzi mentions, first of all, the word "respect", both towards the wineries As to customers.

"There is a lot of preparation, there is dedication, we curate the wines. While this is a business, we develop a more educational task. People already know that if they enter the premises, they will learn, they know that something new we will tell them and that he will be able to try different things, "he says.

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"Besides, you don't have to be dressed up to try a vinegar," he adds.

In Pain et Vin they organize tastings. And Jezzi ensures that in the tastings all the details are taken care of: the wines that are chosen, the temperature at which they are served and the information they provide depending on the attendees.

As for the competition that e-commerce can mean, he points out that "it is an impersonal format", that some buyers work but others do not, but that it is not competition.

However, consider that for a wine cellar that faces the street to be sustainable, you have to appeal to creativity and move a lot: "Here we do not have Argentine buyers who take boxes. That does not happen. To have a wine cellar and keep it open you have to aggiornarte and do things continuously. "

When Jezzi is asked for a label that is worth highlighting especially among all that he has, he says it is difficult to choose one, because they all have a reason to occupy a shelf space. But finally choose Fénix 2008, a jewel almost extinct and that developed a winery that is no longer in the market: Ave Wines.

"That wine is resting in Pain et Vin. Here we have the last bottles that exist," he says proudly.

The wine evangelizer

Its wine cellar has several peculiarities: it does not have a stained glass window that overlooks the street, it is accessed by previously contacting its owner and the place is called Mr. Wines, but almost nobody (or anyone) says so.

The wine cellar is known among its followers as "Lo de Musu", or "the cave of Musu". Musu is Fernando Musumeci, someone who does have a gift is the oratory. When he talks about wines, he does it with true passion; Here there are no postures or fireworks.

Surely that is why a legion of followers who religiously attend their tastings was assembled, most of them given by the winemakers themselves, including ultra-established names of the industry.

The process that led him to become a winemaker began to take shape many years ago, when he was a very enthusiastic fan who began to gather people with the same passion. And his ease in relating to each other found him, at one time, meeting many small wine producers on one side, and many passionate consumers on the other.

This is how it became a link between both worlds. That is why he says that selling wines and setting up a place was something that he decayed very naturally, it was not forced but that, as he himself suggests, it was a process that demanded almost two decades.

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And for him, the key is not only the wine, but the people behind it and the people who are going to consume it: "I always pointed to non-massive things. The massive thing you get in the supermarket gondolas. I always leaned towards those wines that must be sold more personally, telling where they come from, who made them. "

The wine cellar finally opened the doors in 2014. And it was not easy, as he recalls: "At the beginning I was a little scared, but also quite confident because I knew the way I wanted to do and where I wanted to go."

He also remembers that his place was "blessed" when he was still putting it together and received a visit from Roberto de la Mota, who offered to take his wines to the "cave" and organize a vertical. And that was the kick of a long procession that continues today and which winemakers and consumers attend weekly.

In each section, Musu is responsible for clarifying that he does not talk about clients. He points out that each person who approaches his place is, first and foremost, a consumer who wants to learn. And possibly later become a friend.

"Maybe I have 500 Malbec, but I can't recommend any Malbec to a person. After chatting and taking an X-ray of his taste, I have to try to understand him and offer him a wine that is a great goal, that he feels he made a great purchase, "says Musu.

In this sense, he says that it helps him to have his feet on the ground the fact that he has been, above all, a wine consumer: "I know what it is to buy a bottle and have expectations before uncorking. That is why I feel I cannot fail him who enters my premises. "

And Musu makes customer satisfaction a way of life: "Every time I think less about selling wines and more about forming new consumers. When someone comes, I look at their potential and if they have enthusiasm, I'm going to give everything to help grow, "he gets excited.

This includes participating in exclusive tastings with winemakers, joining trips to Mendoza or Salta, attending the fairs that he organizes or, why not, inviting him one day of the week to try some friends who opened labels to taste .

When asked about the precise amount of wine he has, he thinks about it but does not have the answer: "I don't know, really. And I don't think I'm interested in knowing it. The right thing would be to take inventory, but you know what? I try to not wasting energy on controlling. I spend energy on other things. "

As for the competition imposed by ecommerce today, he points out that there is no possible fight when the work is done so handcrafted: "We sell non-massive labels. The value that one gives when one tells the story behind a bottle does not have price. There is no platform that can replace hand in hand. "

"I think they can live together both worlds," adds who has his own vision on that called "success": "For me it would not be successful if I had a platform and sold five times more. What I do has nothing to do with earning money."

As for the keys to make such a trade sustainable over time, Musu is clear about his vision: "You can have the most beautiful and glamorous business, but if you just ship bottles, today you run the risk of disappear. There is no more winemaker behind the counter, waiting for someone to buy. "

When asked to choose an exotic label, he thinks a lot and then concludes: "I could not, I would say that the strange or exotic in my wine cellar ends up being the norm."

But it does recommend, to those who are thinking of venturing into Altamira, the wines of the Finca Beth project that, from the same vineyard, make two lines with very different spirits, from the hand of two winemakers with very different styles from each other: Juan Pablo Michelini and Felipe Stahlschmidt.

"This year I recommend the two Cabernet Sauvignon: 2Km and Puzzles. Both have their own style and are unbeatable," he concludes.

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Old Oct 17, 2019, 4:13 pm
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#DeLaVendimiaALaCueva Musu is at it again

Held at the Gorriti Art Center and to benefit the La Nazarene Foundation. Musu called upon his friends, Well approximately 50 producers of wine from Argentina to show what the 2019 vintage is all about. The producers made special bottlings from tank samples, among others that were recently bottled. The producers even traveled to Buenos Aires to pour the wines themselves. I wish I was in town to have attended this event, but it was very well received and the people in the know were clearly there. Read on:

Link with photos:


A great day #DeLaVendimiaALaCueva Genius @VinotecaMRWines !!! Thank you all for collaborating with the La Nazarena Foundation @argWineBloggers

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Nicolas Orsini 1 week ago
#DeLaVendimiaALaCueva 2019 - The Report

HomeWorld Wine
#DeLaVendimiaALaCueva 2019
#DeLaVendimiaALaCueva 2019

Last Saturday was the fourth edition of the event organized by Fernando Musumeci, Musu, #DeLaVendimiaALaCueva, which aims to test in advance what was the 2019 vintage.

In addition to samples that are freshly bottled, or even only bottled to be in this fair, there are also some samples that are already on the market.

As if that were not enough, there are no less those who claim that the 2019 harvest is one of the best in a long time, as Ariel de Vinarquía says in his post Mendoza 2019 The perfect harvest ?.

Of course there was a lot of wine to try, something like about 200 samples from about 50 producers.

We start the tour with white and some rosé wines. To highlight the amount of semillon that has been bottled for 2019, or rather, the amount of producers that bet on the strain.

Andeluna Semillón 2019

El Porvenir Parcel Torrontés 2019
One of those cases is the new Andeluna Semillón 2019 that will be on a new line.

Another of the targets to highlight was El Porvenir Parcela Torrontés 2019 which continues to give a very friendly, fluid and elegant expression of torro.

We close the whites (?) With the Pielihueso Blanco 2019 a cut of torrontés and chardonnay, yes, like that of the orange tree, but that does not have contact with the skins which gave a very fresh wine and with a well-marked acidity.

Pintom Pet Nat 2019

Supernatural Frisante Rosé 2019
It was also, already bottled and labeled, the Pet Nat of Pintom that we had tested in May during the #MrWinesTour.

A total novelty was the Frisante Rosé Supernatural made with Agrelo bonarda and without sulphite aggregates. Ideal for the heats that come.

Before passing the reds we close with the Susana Balbo Signature Rosé 2019, a high-end rosé that continues to show the potential of the rosé.

Tanito 2019

Pilot Test Component
The first red wine was the Tanito 2019, from the BIRA Project carried out by Santiago Bernasconi and Federico Isgro. It is a cut of malbec, sangiovese and cabernet franc which you have to be careful because you can drink liters and liters. He presented three other wines, all with sangiovese and wonderful fluidity.

From NOA there was a curiosity that was one of the components of the Test Pilot that comes from Tafi, in Tucumán, and that they said, is the first and only wine in that area. It was a cut of merlot and cabernet franc very expressive in aromas and with a very noticeable freshness and fluidity in the mouth.

The last of the photo is El Burro, the sulphite-free malbec that recently launched Santa Julia winery. A wine with marked fruit, medium acidity and good volume.

Of course I tried many more wines such as Malbec with a cluster of Matías Riccitelli, the syrah (still very young) of Corazon del Sol, the new vintages of La Igriega that have a change in their style, the always impeccable 2KM of Finca Beth, the riesling de Las Perdices, the TINTO of Altos Las Hormigas, a chubby semillon of Alejandro Sejanovich, the French cabernet that will be part of Paradoux, and thus could continue.

The lounge on the first turn of #DeLaVendimiaALaCueva
The lounge on the first turn of #DeLaVendimiaALaCueva
As a strawberry to the initiatives carried out by Musu, he had the luxury of announcing the "launching" of two wines from the Cave that were chosen from several caverns in three tasting days. The wines will be La Cueva de Musu.

One will be the Cuevero Manija, a cut of merlot and cabernet sauvignon made by Finca Ambrosía and will be in presale from today. They are only 600 bottles.

The other will be Gran Cuevero and will be composed of malbec and cabernet franc that is prepared by Cristian Moor of Bodega Corazon del Sol. It will be available in 2020.

So far the report of the great event organized by Musu and that not only allows one to prove what the 2019 vintage gave, an instance that is not common for consumers to access, but also allowed them to present their future wines to producers. Salu!

Cover photo: @Eduneulist

Nicolas Orsini
Journalist profession. Eager to communicate the wonderful world of wine. WSET® L2 Wines & Spirits. Chronicles, interviews and the occasional recommendation. Part of Argentina Wine Bloggers #ArgWB. Jury of the 2015 Sub30 Wine Competition 2015. I was also a finalist for the Born Digital Wine Awards 2017 and I am part of the VinoApp Team. Thanks, come back soon!

Nicolas Orsini
  • hace 1 semana

#DeLaVendimiaALaCueva 2019 – El Reporte

[img]https://www.nicolasorsini.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/El-vino-de-La-Cueva @Eduneulist.jpg#DeLaVendimiaALaCueva 2019

El sábado pasado se llevó a cabo la cuarta edición del evento que organiza Fernando Musumeci, Musu, #DeLaVendimiaALaCueva que tiene como objetivo probar de antemano lo que fue la añada 2019.

Además de muestras que están recién embotelladas, o incluso solo embotelladas para estar en esta feria, también hay algunas muestras que ya están el mercado.

Como si fuera poco no son menos los que afirman que la cosecha 2019 es una de las mejores en mucho tiempo, tal como cuenta Ariel de Vinarquíaen su post Mendoza 2019 ¿La cosecha perfecta?.

Por supuesto había mucho vino para probar, algo así como unas 200 muestras de unos 50 productores.

Empezamos el recorrido con los vinos blancos y algunos rosados. Para destacar la cantidad de semillón que se ha embotellado para 2019, o mejor dicho, la cantidad de productores que apuestan a la cepa.

Andeluna Semillón 2019

El Porvenir Parcela Torrontés 2019

Uno de esos casos es el nuevo Andeluna Semillón 2019 que saldrá en una línea nueva.

Otro de los blancos para destacar fue El Porvenir Parcela Torrontés 2019 que continúa dando una expresión de torro muy amigable, fluida y elegante.

Cerramos los blancos (?) con el Pielihueso Blanco 2019 un corte de torrontés y chardonnay, sí, igual que el del naranjo, pero que no tiene contacto con las pieles lo que dio un vino muy fresco y con una acidez bien marcada.

Pintom Pet Nat 2019

Sobrenatural Frisante Rosé 2019

También estaba, ya embotellado y etiquetado, el Pet Nat de Pintom que habíamos probado en mayo durante el #MrWinesTour.

Una novedad total fue el Sobrenatural Frisante Roséelaborado con bonarda de Agrelo y sin agregados de sulfitos. Ideal para los calores que vienen.

Antes de pasar los tintos cerramos con el Susana Balbo Signature Rosé 2019, un rosado de alta gama que continúa mostrando el potencial de los rosados.

Tanito 2019

Componente Piloto de Prueba

El primer tinto fue el Tanito 2019, del Proyecto BIRAque llevan adelante Santiago Bernasconi y Federico Isgro. Es un corte de malbec, sangiovese y cabernet franc del cual hay que tener cuidado porque se pueden beber litros y litros. Presentó otros tres vinos más, todos con sangiovese y una fluidez maravillosa.

Del NOA había una curiosidad que fue uno de los componentes de Piloto de Prueba que viene de Tafí, en Tucumán, y que según contaron, es el primer y único vino de esa zona. Era un corte de merlot y cabernet franc muy expresivo en aromas y con una frescura y fluidez en boca muy notoria.

El último de la foto es El Burro, el malbec sin sulfitos que lanzó recientemente bodega Santa Julia. Un vino con fruta marcada, acidez media y buen volumen.

Por supuesto probé muchos más vinos como el malbec con racimo de Matías Riccitelli, el syrah (todavía muy joven) de Corazón del Sol, las nuevas añadas de La Igriega que tienen un cambio en su estilo, los siempre impecables 2KM de Finca Beth, el riesling de Las Perdices, el TINTO de Altos Las Hormigas, un semillón gordito de Alejandro Sejanovich, el cabernet franc que será parte de Paradoux, y así podría seguir.

El salón en el primer turno de #DeLaVendimiaALaCueva

Como frutilla a las iniciativas que lleva adelante Musu, se dio el lujo de anunciar el «lanzamiento» de dos vinos de la Cueva que fueron elegidos entre varios cueveros en tres jornadas de cata. Los vinos serán La Cueva de Musu.

Uno será el Cuevero Manija, un corte de merlot y cabernet sauvignon elaborado por Finca Ambrosía y estará en preventa a partir de hoy. Son solo 600 botellas.

El otro será Gran Cuevero y estará compuesto por malbec y cabernet franc que es elaborado por Cristian Moor de Bodega Corazón del Sol. Estará disponible en 2020.

Hasta acá el reporte del gran evento que organiza Musu y que logra no solo que uno pueda probar lo que dio la añada 2019, instancia que para los consumidores no es común acceder, si no también les permitió presentar a los productores sus futuros vinos. Salú!

Foto de portada: @Eduneulist

Last edited by Flying Machine; Oct 17, 2019 at 4:45 pm
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Old Nov 30, 2019, 10:58 am
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Another Great Event sponsored by Vinoteca Mr Wines

Another great event sponsored by Vinoteca Mr Wines. So nice to see an event about Merlot. Especially when we look at Wines blindly and find the true quality price relationship in wines. Check out the winner in the lower price category, a fantastic opportunity for you to try a nice Merlot.

Read on:

The Federal Cup 2019: A Blind Date with Merlot


The Federal Cup 2019: A Blind Date with Merlot

Ale Lahitte
Todo the new generates anxiety, adrenaline, tension. As in every blind date, you do not know how you can find and do not see when that time comes to take the veil of uncertainty and find out if what you expect is confirmed or not.

The idea of making a vinous event distinct, innovative and fun began pacing around our heads more or less at the end of August. Since then, we were giving way, always relying on the successful experience of the
Challenge Federal but with the clear intention to be something different, more playful and "portable", as it somehow. As the idea was already something more concrete and took flight, that adrenaline that drives and drives grew until it reached the day awaited by both.

Finally, on Tuesday , 26 November last, in the Treintasillas restaurant in the city of Buenos Aires, we carry The Federal Cup 2019 : a new concept of blind tasting for wine enthusiasts.

Looking for a descontracturada way to link consumers passionate about not so traditional strains, we found that from a game could generate an interactive vinous experience innovative and aimed at participants enjoy wine tasting blindly without the pressure to perform a technical assessment for them or label them with scoring systems. Just drink, compare and choose. Then online vote for the sample chosen and see the results instantly. Thus, the tasting becomes a playful and fun experience.

And how could it be otherwise, for this first edition we chose the Merlot as the star of the event . For another Federal Cup goals it is to disseminate and promote not so traditional strains (at the least in our country).

From reception to the farewell drink, through all blind tasting and pairing menu that night was entirely devoted to the Merlot , where 29 tasterstasted 32 labels from different regions of Argentina and 2 Rosés also Merlot.

Among those attending were sommeliers, wine distributors, vinotequeros, but mostly journalists, friends passionate about wine that were present to honor the Merlot .

Merlot five producing provinces were represented in the selection of the 32 labels : With 22 tags, Mendoza (the largest producer of Merlot of the country), the largest share of the event was. The rest is distributed patagónicas Neuquén (4), Rio Black (3) and the northern Skip (2) and Catamarca (1).

The tasting was divided into two tournaments according to their suggested retail price to the public:

  • National tournament : 16 labels to 749 pesos.
  • Federal tournament : 16 labels from 750 pesos.
The blind tasting was performed using a novel system Fixture with dueling elimination . Crossings armed themselves by drawing lots and tasters tasted two samples and by a voting system via web chose which one they liked most. At the end of the round, the most voted samples passed to the next and so on to define the champion and runner - up of the tournament . After the tournament, all samples for tasting participants could see what were their choices were discovered.

The results of the Federal Cup

Below, we share the results of each category (according to the instance that order arrived and tasting) and attach the complete catalog in PDF format, with the order in which they were sampled.

National tournament

Merlot 16 labels a suggested retail price to the public of up to $ 749



  • Sample 6: Tempus 2014, Tempus Alba (Mendoza)


  • Sample 4: Andeluna Altitude 2016, Andeluna (Mendoza)
  • Sample 15: Trapiche Reserve 2018, Trapiche (Mendoza)

Quarter finals

  • Sample 2: Salentein Reserve 2016, Salentein (Mendoza)
  • Sample 7: Kaiken Ultra 2017 Kaiken (Mendoza)
  • Sample 10: Saurus Select, Schroeder Family (Neuquen)
  • Sample 14: Marcos Pizarro, Marcos Pizarro (Mendoza)

Final Round

  • Sample 1: Tapiz Reserva 2015, Tapiz (Mendoza)
  • Sample 3: Private Collection 2019, Navarro Correas (Mendoza)
  • Sample 5: House Boher 2016 Rosell Boher (Mendoza)
  • Sample 8: Terraces 2017 Terrazas de los Andes (Mendoza)
  • Sample 9: Sophenia Estate 2017, Finca Sophenia (Mendoza)
  • Sample 12: 2017 Lagarde, Lagarde (Mendoza)
  • Sample 13: Bousquet Domaine 2017 Domaine Bousquet (Mendoza)
  • Sample 16: Cuvelier Los Andes 2015, Cuvelier Los Andes (Mendoza)

Federal tournament

Merlot 16 labels a suggested retail price to the public from $ 750


  • Show 21: Notables Farms 2016, The Esteco(Catamarca)


  • Sample 32: Yeta 2016, Domingo Molina (Salta)


  • Sample 17: Mariflor 2014, Rolland Wines (Mendoza)
  • Sample 25: Catalpa 2017, of Atamisque (Mendoza)

Quarter finals

  • Sample 19: Miraluna 2017, Miraluna (Salta)
  • Sample 23: Infinitus Gran Reserva 2016, Fabre Montmayou (Mendoza)
  • Sample 28: Angelica Zapata Catena Zapata 2015. (Mendoza)
  • Sample 30: Vinyes Ocults Barrel Room, Vinyes Ocults (Mendoza)

Final Round

Sample 18: Old Vines From Patagonia 2016, Riccitelli Wines (Rio Black)
shows 20: Alley Crime Gran Reserva 2016, Wine of Light (Mendoza)
shows 22: End Gran Reserva 2016 End of the World (Neuquen)
shows 24: Forgive and Forget Court of Vintages, of Malajunta Wines (Mendoza)
Sample 26: Firstborn Blue Blood 2016, Patritti (Neuquen)
Sample 27: Miras Crianza 2015, Miras (Rio Black)
Sample 29: Weinert 2011, Weinert ( Mendoza)
Sample 31: Pulenta Gran Merlot, Pulenta Estate (Mendoza)

Reception and Farewell

  • Year Zero La Rosa de La Consulta 2018, Altocedro (Mendoza)
  • S'il Vous Plait Rosé 2019, Pulenta Estate (Mendoza)

some conclusions

NOA and high efficiency : With just 3 participants achieved a Champion samples (Farm Notables, Catamarca) a runner - up (Yeta, Salta) and Quarterfinals (Miraluna, also of Salta). This speaks to how well the Merlot adapts to the Valles Calchaquíes and excellent interpretation made by the technicians of the wineries in the area.

Another great performance was the Neuquen : with only 4 representatives managed to place a champion and a quarterfinal, thus demonstrating that it is a province with great potential for this strain.

Surprises : Alpataco surprised everyone Schroeder Family (Champion of the National - $ 410) 4th of being suggested retail price of 16 won his shootout clearly at all crossings. Catalpa of Atamisque also at the lower limit of the Federal Championship which reached the semifinals. This proves that the best reference for comparing wines is not its selling price, but the possibility to test them blindly.

Penalty shootout : From the beginning we seek to avoid the possibility of a tie. So we decided they were 29 tasters and not 30. But in the quarter-final between samples 6 (Tempus) and 7 (Kaiken Ultra) one of the tasters had risen for a few minutes. Looking not miss a beat of the event cut to 28 votes and Oh Surprise !!! Tie!!! It had to go looking for the participant, who will test samples and vote, giving the victory on penalties to the Tempus, which later finalist.

The dueling system proved to be a very practical way to define consumer preferences . In the test several times the same samples (provided they pass round, of course) the consumer could compare it with others who would test and refine their views on it. As trend could be observed that those who reached the decisive moments were those who had received laudatory comments greatest in the first round.


The first Copa Federal ended. And tensions eased and it is time to relax, enjoy the lived and start thinking about how to further improve the idea. But first, we want to thank all participating wineries that from the first moment enthused with the proposal. To our sponsors ( Dairy Veronica , Vinoteca Mr.Wines , Familia Zuccardi Varietal Oils and Wild Bakery ) who trusted us. A restaurant Treintasillas and his staff for the exquisite menu prepared and efficient service.

Of course also to the impeccable working group formed Milena Rivero Segura, Ezequiel Martínez Wagner, Ana Julia Boucher and Franco Rivero Segura in charge of the reception, Social and Computing Networks and the brilliant work of Nicholas Titakis , our great sommelier, who served the 34 wines (over 1800 services) always with a smile.

Finally, a big thank you to the 29 participants who sold out within minutes and put the best wave of the event are engaged with games, slogans and everything was the experience of the Federal Cup 2019 .

Thank you all. See you in 2020, when we meet next Federal Cup. Salu!

Francisco and Alejandro

Last edited by Flying Machine; Nov 30, 2019 at 11:18 am
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Old Dec 2, 2019, 7:59 pm
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Worth going just for the cheese selection....looks very tasty. ^
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Old Mar 6, 2020, 5:24 am
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Ver Sacrum Tasting

I attended a Ver Sacrum tasting last night at Vinoteca Mr Wines. Ver Sacrum is a project based on Rhone style wines produced in Argentina.Their winemaking ethos focuses on fresh, low alcohol, lighter skin contact, native yeast, honest, and easy drinking wines.

They currently make wine from their small vineyard in Los Chacayes, Uco Valley where they have planted Grenache, Monastrell, Carignan, Roussane, Marsanne, Mencia, Syrah, Teroldego, and Nebbiolo.

The 3 wines of the evening that were most interesting to me of the 7 tasted were:

2018 Geshia de Jade

2016 Gloria S

2016 Dona Mencía De Los Andes

Ver Sacrum to me is a very interesting project and it’s nice to see that these types of wines are being produced in Argentina. This producer has been on my radar for some time and happy that Musu invited me to attend

Keep a look out for the Ver Sacrum line of wines. Prices start in the 800 ARS range and go up from there. Nice lineup and I’ll leave the details to you to explore

Last edited by Flying Machine; Mar 6, 2020 at 5:40 am
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Old Oct 28, 2020, 9:53 am
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Did you get a chance to taste La Dama del Abrigo Rojo.....?
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Old Oct 28, 2020, 10:21 am
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Unfortunately I did not. I will look for the photo of the lineup of all the wines including the ones in my original post in a moment or two. However, what are your tasting notes about that wine and why did you bring it up?

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Old Oct 28, 2020, 10:31 am
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Old Oct 28, 2020, 10:34 am
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Old Oct 28, 2020, 10:44 am
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I know that Musu had a tasting with Nati Beneitez the other day, and he tasted these new 2020s with her. She’s a wonderful woman and I really enjoyed our evening together. On my next trip I’m going make a point and visit with Eduardo Soler in Mendoza
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Old Oct 28, 2020, 11:08 am
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Im about to find out as soon as the stuff gets here from Mendoza. I big client called me yesterday wanting to buy 3 cases, so I called the Winery and ordered that (and some more). Ive never tasted it but this client has a (very) sharp palate so if he is loading up on the stuff Im going to grab a couple of cases of this and sit on them for a while..... my guess is that the juice is gonna be rather young and will do quite nicely with more time in the cellar.
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Old Jan 7, 2022, 12:36 pm
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Wanted to take the time to advise of an interesting Instagram live this coming Monday January 10th. Musu has collaborated with several different prestigious winemakers to create some excellent house branded wines in limited production!

Fantastic values, excellent wines, from one the the best wine shops in BsAs

The most recent offering Cuevero Perfecto is made by Daniel Pi exclusively for Musu. Enjoy

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Old Jan 28, 2022, 3:51 pm
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unbelievable! Musu never stops to impress! While on vacation he takes time to promote another wine shop. He does this in Buenos Aires as well on Twitter. A man whom wants everyone to enjoy without lining his pockets unnecessarily..

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