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Old Jan 28, 2019, 4:27 am
Join Date: Apr 2012
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Originally Posted by charlieboy77
Or seeing empty jet-bridges at the terminal while you're waiting to disembark on to busses at a remote stand.

Yes we've probably all been there and done that.
Understanding the semantics that the aircraft has been directed there by the airport because the aircraft is nightstopping and not because the airline is too tight to shell out a few more Euros for a jetbtidge and is not the fault of the cabin crew. Saw one guy berate a crew member about this at Milan once at which point the crew member turned to him and say "and in other news hundreds of people died in the earthquake not too far from here last week". Not the most professional response I would say but it was sobering enough to shut remote stand complainer up and into touch.
You're right about the overnight piece, except... In HEL last weekend on a TP run, the plane which was overnighting was at a jetbridge gate, but the plane turning around at 4pm was stand+bus. So I can't really get a logic here.

Anyway, mini-rant over. And you're right, there are much worse problems in the world, this one is very much a #firstWorldProblem . I actually like that answer from the FA, puts things into perspective.
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