FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Why is UA checked bag claim so slow? (EWR,ORD, SFO, IAH, ...) [Consolidated]
Old Jan 12, 2015, 8:56 pm
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: EWR
Programs: UA Plat, KE Morning Calm, Hertz Gold, SPG Plat
Posts: 57
Baggage Claim Frustration @ EWR

Seems like EWR is so slow to send the checked bags down to carousel.

Yesterday, was flying in from IAH. Docked at the gate at 8:13 and the 1st bag came down at 9:02.

Mine was one of the first comes to come out but i'm sure there are people who waited till 9:20-30.

The next carousel was a flight from LA, and the arrival was 8:05 but not a single bag was coming out until i picked up my bag.

I can understand 15-20 mins but 50 mins really isn't acceptable.
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