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You Can Now Purchase Your Very Own TSA Body Scanner for Only $7,995


A controversial TSA scanner retired in 2013 among heated criticism is available for purchase on eBay.

Is it curiosity, or intent to purchase? A handful of eBay users are closely monitoring the bidding of retired Rapiscan Secure 1000 SP body scanners once used by the TSA.

The majority of the scanners, which were retired in 2013 amid criticism that stemmed from the system’s graphic depiction of the human body, were donated to state and local agencies in September 2013. Nearly 30 percent remained on inventory at that time, and a report by the Office of Inspector General stated that any remaining scanners would be destroyed if not donated.

The Rapiscan model listed on eBay is described as a “comprehensive threat detection” system that “combines optimum unparalleled threat detection with optimized throughput.” The scanner uses backscatter technology as well as Rapiscan proprietary image processing software. Buyers can pick up the scanner locally or have it shipped to them in three large crates.

The scanners, which were once valued at $113,350 each, can be purchased for $7,995 apiece. The exact quantity available is unknown. The seller, GovSurplus2012, states they are a “veteran owned company” that purchases items from government surplus auctions.

[Photo: eBay]


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AS MHT December 4, 2014

NOTICE: There will be a FREE airport pre-screening for travelers and non-travelers at the local sorority on Friday, Hooters on Saturday, and cheerleader practice on Sunday. Please encourage all members/employees to attend. THANK YOU

pdsales December 4, 2014

This is a bad idea. Now if the bad guys want to test different ways to get contraband through the airport security they can buy a scanner for $7,995. I hope the buyers are somehow scrutinized for their intentions for these units before they are delivered.

party_boy December 4, 2014

I'd buy one just to download and post all the naked pictures stored in the memory.