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Will Flying Too Much Hurt Your Sex Life?

A New York doctor says being choosy about travel and always springing for first class are key for frequent flyers to have a healthy libido.
Are too many flights in economy to blame for frequent flyers’ bad livelihood in the bedroom?


A Brooklyn doctor says traveling in the main cabin too often can lead to a lack of sex drive, due to what she claims are “anxiety-provoking” effects.


Anxiety, Claustrophobia and Tight Spaces Could be Libido Killers

Dr. Florence Comite runs the Comite Center for Precision Medicine and is the founder of Groq Health, an app which claims to “optimize” traveler’s wellbeing. In recent comments, Dr. Comite says flying too much economy can lead to travelers suffering in the bedroom.


The doctor says that traveling in the main cabin too much can lead to feelings of anxiety, claustrophobia and general worries about personal space, triggering the “fight-or-flight mechanism” of every flyer. As a result, frequent travelers may experience an imbalance of hormones, which could turn certain personal relations sour.


“Getting on a plane in anticipation lowers your sex drive because it’s anxiety-provoking, we don’t know what’s going to happen and it’s a tight space,” says Dr. Comite. “So hormones that go up in the brain like norepinephrine and epinephrine will lower testosterone and that will immediately have an effect on libido and even sexual function.”


So what is the solution for regular travelers? Dr. Comite suggests flyers spring for the upgrade to business class, or even first class travel. Having the extra space, combined with priority check-in lanes and lounge access, could help travelers relax and stay “in the mood” when they get to their destination – or back home.


“Testosterone really is the weakest link; once we’re overwhelmed, once we don’t have enough sleep, jet lag, that is all going to affect the way we think,” says Dr. Comite. “Business class, first class, will make it better.”


If you don’t have the points or cash to regularly fly in the front cabin, Dr. Comite has other suggestions to help travelers keep their spirits up when they take to the skies. She suggests frequent flyers get between six and eight hours of sleep each night, avoiding flights that take off at 6 a.m. or earlier, and anticipate for the trip by getting urgent tasks done before takeoff.


Airlines Offering More Premium Seats for Passenger Comfort

In addition to being a profit center, airlines are creating more premium cabin seats to offer flyers even more comfort. In May 2022, Qantas unveiled their “Project Sunrise” aircraft, with half of the aircraft dedicated to first class, business class and premium economy seats. Later in the month, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines introduced their premium economy cabin, balancing extra benefits and comfort with price.

J S June 14, 2022

I just submitted a reimbursement claim to my health insurance company to cover my upgrade to business class. I am sure it will be covered given the health impact of flying coach.

SUPERTRAVEL June 13, 2022

If you're snuggling with the right companion, a good time can be had by all.

Spanish June 12, 2022

Try crossing the pond 175 years ago, a la Charles Darwin...  Coach is a luxury.

Dublin_rfk June 11, 2022

OMG! What a crock of Barbra Streisand! Claustrophobic? Anxiety?, loss of 'personal space triggering?' and hormone imbalances? This is a good example of what's wrong with the left - They don't have a right (hand) to slap themselves silly!

Dr.Ells June 9, 2022

Talk about a yale-induced quack. Not all Ivy Leaguers truly earned their degree.  Clearly, she’s never traveled, and yet, she’s preying on her ilk.