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WestJet Allows Dogs in Cabin After Wildfire

Canadian airlines WestJet and Canada North, among others, allowed residents in and around Fort McMurray to bring their pets into the cabin (without a carrier) last week after destructive wildfires forced them to flee from their homes. A Canada North spokesperson said, “It’s definitely unusual to carry pets in the cabin, but due to the unusual circumstances we were able to bend the rules to accommodate these animals.”


For more information on this story, visit the Huffington Post.

 [Feature Photo: CANADIAN NORTH]

[Article Photo: Twitter/AliBlair112]

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drvannostren May 23, 2016

I'm not a big dog lover, but being rescued would've been nice either way. That said I hope this aircraft was sprayed for ticks/fleas and whatever else a big pack of dogs may bring onto a flight and into the cabin.