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We May Never Swim in A Hotel Pool Again

I’ve visited more than my share of hotel, motel, school and apartment complex pools. But, I have to say, I’ve never seen anything quite as like this woman, originally spotted on Reddit.



But now seems as appropriate a time as any to ask you all: what’s the worst thing you’ve ever seen in a pool?

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This, among other reasons, it’s why you never stay in a *motel*.

airish May 31, 2018

I assume most people realize that public pools, especially those used by kids, are essentially large toilets.

luvtotravel1 May 31, 2018

I live in an apt. complex and witnessed a lady shaving her legs in the pool as well. GROSS!!!

seigex May 31, 2018

This, among other reasons, it's why you never stay in a *motel*.

pdsales May 30, 2018

Caddyshack set a yet-to-be-beaten standard in this area. https://youtu.be/TPxiXGr9nFM?t=34