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Watch: Pax Watch In Horror as Their Cat Runs Across Tarmac

This is just not a good year for pets on planes.

This pet horror story comes to us via Malaysia Airlines which was tasked with transporting a cat from Borneo to Kuala Lumpur, checked in by its owner Kiran Kuma Nasarajah .

He says that, despite the fact that the cat was in a double-locked IATA pet carrier, the ground crew managed to lose it. He found this out when his wife looked out of the window of their flight and saw him running across the tarmac:

The video the passenger captured shows an empty crate, and what looks like a small white, furry animal crawling into a drain pipe.


Kiran says that officials spent roughly 10 minutes looking for the cat and then pressured him and his wife to abandon the cat by telling them that they were “holding up” the plane. So the flight left without the cat, whose name is Scooty.

Scooty is still at large.


To read more on this story, go to MSN.

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irishguy28 July 6, 2018

If they want the cat back, why did they both fly and leave the cat behind? And if they are so sure they "double locked" the cage, how did the cat get out? I seriously doubt that the ground handlers have either the time, inclination or desire to "break" open an animal cage...

chavala July 5, 2018

So these people just left without their cat? I guess they didn’t love him very much. Maybe poor Scootynis better off.