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Watch: Flames, Screams When Two Jets Collide at Toronto Airport

A WestJet 737 collided with an empty Sunwing plane shortly after it landed at Toronto Pearson International Airport on Friday afternoon.


The empty plane — also a 737 — backed straight into the WestJet flight, the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. reported. “There was an audible crunch, and the plane rocked slightly,” said one passenger, “Everyone was a little shocked and kind of chuckling at the situation.”

Another passenger told CTV News that “something” was spewitn out of the plane wing. “And then it set in that it’s not steam, it’s gas,” a passenger told CTV News. “And then the whole thing ignites, and everyone starts panicking.”

One passenger Instagrammed that the pilot had just announced that they were “low on stafff” over the intercome just before passengers felt the jolt of the collision.

Neither of the two airlines or Swissport, whose worker was towing the empty plane, have explained how it managed to hit the WestJet flight.


For more on this story, head to CBC.

[Image: Wikimedia]

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