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United Flyer Headed to Paris Ends Up in SFO

Lucie Bahetoukilae,  a French citizen, was accidentally placed aboard a flight to San Francisco International Airport (SFO), even though she carried a boarding pass with Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG) as the destination. Bahetoukilae, a non-English speaker, had her niece present to help with translation as she negotiated her way to the proper destination. By the time the trip was done, Bahetoukilae alleges that she traveled a combined 28 hours.

To read more on this story, go to SF Gate.

[Photo: Shutterstock]

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ioto1902 May 6, 2017

So what ? Her baggage was screened, her cabin luggage was screened, her computer was screened, her shoes were screened, therefore, nobody was in danger any time during her unvoluntary alternative trip. She shouldn't make any fuss about it, because she was not deplaned, she was not assaulted by law enforcing officers. It's only business as usual.